The Dreaming Tycoon Chapter 1

All chapters are in The Dreaming Tycoon

Chapter 1: Dream and Reality


I no longer even have the strength to cough.

The cold doesn’t feel as harsh anymore.

So, this is what it’s like to die.

Tears fell.

Even my tears seemed to freeze in the cold winter air.

I guess I’m not even worthy of shedding tears.

“Hah. I shouldn’t have done that back then.”

These are my final words.

A truly regretful thing.

I shouldn’t have made that decision on that day in 1993.

My life has been ruined ever since.

And that’s why I’m here now, dying alone in the winter of 2015.

If I could go back to that day, I’d make a different decision.

I’ve thought about it countless times.

But it’s too late now.

I’m getting sleepier.

Once I fall asleep, I’ll probably never wake up again.

I hope I have a good dream.


The sound of a desk being slammed woke me from the dream.

Was it just a dream?

Or maybe a hallucination?

“Look here, Mr. Lee!”

Who’s this man yelling in front of me?

“There’s all the evidence right here. The records clearly show that you were bribed and provided favors!”

I remembered now.

The Gupo Mugunghwa train accident.

People died and were injured.

I’m being held accountable.

That bastard Lee Cheol-min.

He’s the one who took everything and shifted the blame onto me.

“Denying it won’t help. Huh?”

Is he speaking formally or informally?

He’s trying to coax and threaten me at the same time.

“If things continue like this, the company won’t be able to protect you.”

Another man spoke.

It’s Executive Director Lee Min-sik.

“You drank with Manager Kim from Hanmin Construction, didn’t you?”

Lee Cheol-min’s uncle.

Both Lee Cheol-min and Executive Director Lee Min-sik belong to the extended family of Samjeong Group.

In other words, they’re part of the royal family.

Hanmin Construction was a subcontractor under Samjeong General Construction, handling the underground power line work.

The problem was that they drilled under the railroad tracks without permission.

No safety measures were taken.

The weakened ground couldn’t withstand the shock of a high-speed train.

“Even if you deny it, we have evidence. You can’t avoid this, so it’s better to admit it and let the company help you.”

Something unavoidable.

I still don’t know if this is a dream or reality.

Was the next part about probation?

“Even if you’re investigated and indicted, don’t worry. The lawyer said you could get probation.”


The situation had changed, and probation was no longer possible.

I spent six months in prison.

It turned out probation was possible, but…

They said public opinion made it impossible.

Even the mention of compensation—if that’s brought up, then this is all real.

“We’ll even make sure you get generous compensation.”

It seems like this is all happening again.

I don’t know how, but I’ve been through this exact scenario before.

In a dream.

Or maybe I’ve been sent back in time.

My body is trembling.

“You don’t have to be so scared.”

This isn’t from fear.

My life was ruined after I took the fall, manipulated by Executive Director Lee Min-sik’s words.

Just 30 million won.

After I got out of prison, they gave me 30 million won as compensation.

In 1993, 30 million won was a lot of money.

But I was fired from the company.

I didn’t even get severance pay.

When I protested, they filed a lawsuit claiming I had caused damage to the company.

The 30 million won in compensation?

I didn’t even get to spend a single won of it; they took it all back.

And that wasn’t the end of it.

They took all the money I had painstakingly saved over the years, denying myself things I wanted to buy or eat.

No other company would hire me.

Which company would hire someone who had been to prison and caused damage to their employer?

I clenched my Fist.

Should I just punch him?

My life is ruined anyway, so why not land a punch on his face?

“If not, you can just go to prison without any company support.”

That’s what scared me back then.

But now, it doesn’t.

The reality of dying cold and alone in that harsh winter—if I compare that, this is nothing.

Come to think of it, I always said I would make a different choice if I ever got the chance.

Every time I got drunk, I lamented about it.

“This isn’t working. Let’s just file charges. Let’s handle this at the group level.”

Those words are intimidating, too.

Samdu Group.

In 1993, they were ranked as the top conglomerate in South Korea.

In 1995, they briefly dropped to second place, but they quickly regained the number one spot.

They held that top position unwaveringly, all the way until the winter of 2015, when I froze to death.

Samdo Group’s influence reached into the political and legal realms as well.

Am I cornered?

Can an ordinary person stand against the power of Samdo Group?

“What are you doing!”

Executive Director Lee Min-sik’s outburst made the audit team leader bow his head.

“Executive Director, please don’t be so harsh. Let’s give him a little more time.”

It was clear they were playing good cop, bad cop.

Seeing this made something deep inside me stir.

Was it anger?

It wasn’t just anger directed at them.

There was anger toward myself, too.

Anger at having surrendered to such overwhelming power.

I can’t let this continue.

But I also can’t fight Samdo Group directly.


“Executive Director.”

“What? Have you changed your mind?”

So, he’s planning to keep being difficult.

Let him.

“I have changed my mind.”

“Oh! Really?”

Does it make you happy?

I can see the smile blooming on your face.

“If I take full responsibility, will you keep the company’s promise to support me?”

“Of course. That’s why I’m here.”


They’ll ruin me completely.

And he and his nephew, Lee Cheol-min, will continue to stay in your positions of power within Samdo Group.

I need to make sure they can’t break their promise.

That’s the first step.

I’ll take the fall but minimize the damage.

“Then put it in writing and have it notarized.”


Executive Director Lee Min-sik was dumbfounded.

Just moments ago, Lee Seon-su had been trembling in fear, and now he was saying something like this?

It felt as though the atmosphere had completely changed.

There was life in his eyes.

But there was no way Executive Director Lee Min-sik could comply with his request.

“Hey! Just lock this guy up. Call the police.”

The head of the audit team wondered if he really needed to call the police.

The original plan was to intimidate Lee Seon-su into doing what he wanted.

“Director Lee…”

“What are you waiting for? Call them!”

Alright, go ahead and call.

“There’s no need to call. I’ll just go to the police station myself.”


Lee Seon-su’s strong stance surprised Director Lee Min-sik.

“If we mention the Gupo Mugunghwa train derailment, it will be hard to suppress the media.”

If it were any other incident, the power of the Samdo Group could have covered it up.

But a disaster with over ten deaths and nearly two hundred injuries was beyond that.

It was being called the worst disaster in history.

“If my name comes up, Director Lee Min-sik will likely become a target of investigation too.”

Lee Seon-su was right.

The victims’ families were protesting for a thorough investigation.

The media kept reporting it.

If the police investigated Lee Cheol-min, they could end up investigating Lee Min-sik as well.

Since he had received money through Lee Cheol-min.

“Are you threatening me?”

“Yes, I’m threatening you.”

Threatening him felt a bit refreshing after only being threatened.

“If you end up being a subject of investigation, how do you think the group will respond?”

It’s obvious.

To protect the group’s image, they would discard both Lee Min-sik and Lee Cheol-min.

Both were members of the extended family, not the direct lineage.

“Maybe the media would be quieter if someone like you, an executive director, is under investigation rather than me.”

The media would be quieted faster by handing over Lee Seon-su to the police.

Even the prosecution was involved.

“And we have a photo of me, Lee Cheol-min, and Manager Han-min Kim.”

A Polaroid photo.

It was taken as a memento by a bar staff.

It was just picked up when Lee Cheol-min threw it away, saying it didn’t turn out well.


Director Lee Min-sik was more flustered.

The bar staff’s mouths were all sealed.

Even if Lee Seon-su said that Lee Cheol-min had drinks with him, there were no witnesses to prove it.

But a photo was different.

“The media will love it. And so will the bereaved families.”

Sorry, but now I have to find a way to survive by selling you out.

“The profit…”

Eyes burning with anger, demanding the return of dead family members.

Pouring oil on that fire was no different.

Director Lee Min-sik truly believed the flames might spread to him.

“Do you think you’ll be safe if you do this?”

“Your lines are so predictable.”

When someone thinks they’re in the upper hand, they all act like this.

So I’ll respond with these predictable lines.

“I don’t have much to lose, but you have a lot to lose, don’t you?”

“Hmph. Do I? I could go to another affiliate and return later.”

Pretending to be strong.

“But you, Lee Seon-su, will lose your entire life.”

That’s why I’m doing this.

Believing your words blindly would ruin your life anyway.

“So, if Director Min-sik dreams of becoming the president of the construction company, you might never achieve it.”


Director Lee Min-sik trembled without realizing it.

He was angry.

With this accident, Song Jin-woo, the current president of Samdo Construction, was expected to resign in a few months.

And he would take that position.

But if Lee Seon-su made himself and Lee Cheol-min subjects of investigation, the situation might change.

He might end up being responsible instead of Song Jin-woo.

The company could always do that for its own benefit.


“Oh. Do you know? In ten years, you could even become the vice president of the group, but this incident might ruin that.”

It was a dream.

Director Lee Min-sik, as the president of Samdo Construction, would gain recognition in the group for overseas contracts.

And he would continue to advance, possibly even becoming the group’s vice president.

He had once said in a news interview that becoming a vice president, even if not president, was his dream.

“Haha. This is quite something.”

Director Lee Min-sik thought he shouldn’t provoke Lee Seon-su further.

“Alright. I’ll do as you want. We just need to write the contract and notarize it, right?”


It’s not over yet.

It’s too early to be happy.

“The contract will include a provision to exempt you from prison and a compensation of 1 billion won for taking full responsibility.”


Director Lee Min-sik was dumbfounded.

1 billion won.

In 1993, the monthly salary of a mid-level manager at SamdoLee Construction was less than 3 million won.

He himself barely made 10 million won.

Although he received other significant money.

“Are you trying to make a big score this time?”

“Yes. Even with suspended prison, it means admitting guilt. I can’t stay in the company and won’t be able to find another job…”

“You’re insane.”

“Yes. I’m insane. 1 billion won is cheap for changing one’s life.”

“Who would buy your life for 1 billion won!”

That might be true.


“How about Director Min-sik’s dreams and the image of the Samdo Group?”

Director Lee Min-sik understood what Lee Seon-su was saying.

“So, Lee Seon-su, you’re saying this is the price for my dreams and the image of the Samdo Group?”

“That’s right. I think 1 billion won is very cheap.”

At least, for Director Lee Min-sik’s dream, it was cheap.

“How can I trust that you’ll keep your promise?”

“That’s why I asked for 1 billion won. There should be a penalty clause in the contract too. How would you compensate at least 2 billion won?”

Director Lee Min-sik thought Lee Seon-su was being excessively greedy.

But he judged that this greed made him trustworthy.

If he had begged on his knees for mercy, he might have been stomped on even more.

That way, he wouldn’t squirm.

“Bring the photo.”

“I’ll give it to you once I receive the 1 billion won and the suspended prison.”

“How can I trust you?”

“I’m not stupid enough to give up 1 billion won. And I know the power of the Samdo Group.”

Should he follow Lee Seon-su’s proposal?

He started thinking about it.

“By the time you receive the suspended prison, the media will have lost interest. The Samdo Group has the power to make that happen.”

Director Lee Min-sik was surprised.

It was part of the plan he had set up.

Dragging out the trial to wait for people’s interest to wane.

Meanwhile, exerting influence on the media.

“Quick to judge the situation.”

Of course.

You did that.

“Manager Kim.”

“Yes, Director.”

“Go and call the head of the legal team.”

“Are you serious…?”

“Call him!”

The audit team leader shook his head and went out.

Left alone with Lee Seon-su, Director Lee Min-sik smiled and said.

“If you have any wild thoughts, it won’t end just with words.”

“I understand.”

Director Lee Min-sik, who was in the construction industry, knew about organized crime due to various vested interests.

He had actually been kidnapped and beaten when he protested.

It might have been what turned him into a more hardened person.

“Well, you’re an employee of our company, so you’d understand.”

Think as you like.

Soon the door opened, and the head of the legal team entered.

“Manager Kim, we need to draft a contract and notarize it.”

“What kind of…”

“Lee Seon-su will explain.”

Director Lee Min-sik said in a tired tone.


Lee Seon-su explained the agreement to the head of the legal team.

The head of the legal team then drafted the contract based on that information.

“I sentence you to 1 year in prison with a 2-year suspended sentence.”

A 6-month trial.

And the verdict.

Director Lee Min-sik kept his promise.

People began to forget about the Gupo Mugunghwa train accident.

It was someone else’s problem.

Everyone was busy working hard to make a living.

And he received 1 billion won.

The photo?

Naturally, it was sent by courier.


It was just laughable.

It was too easy.

Why was he so scared back then?

“I’m no longer thinking of ending it here.”

The first crossing of the line is the hardest.

But once you cross it, the second time is easy.

And experiences that are like dreams or reality don’t disappear so easily.

A life that feels like it might end but doesn’t.


“I’ll start with the money you gave me.”


The resolution made in a dreamlike reality.

“There’s no reason I can’t become a conglomerate myself.”

There was something he had in mind.

Taking away the profits of the Samdo Group.

“Let’s start by getting things in order.”

He still hadn’t resigned yet.

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Chapter 1