The Masters Are Watching Over Me Chapter 6

Chapter 6: The Founder of Shaolin

[“Just because I didn’t see you for a few days due to overtime, you’re already locking eyes with someone else!”]

‘That sounds like it could easily be misunderstood.’

I scratched my cheek, feeling that the remark was something one might say to a lover who’s strayed.

Though I had never truly experienced a relationship, I had heard enough stories to understand the sentiment.

“By the way, Master’s tone has returned to normal, hasn’t it?”

Putting aside the fact that he was speaking in a cryptic manner, the question about the ‘big head’ was quite perplexing.

“I’ve only learned what Master taught me.”

[Then why do you reek of the scent of the Unorthodox Martial Arts? Do I look like I have a big, bald head?]

“…Could it be?”

I had never heard that Master Zhang Sanfeng was bald.

And it didn’t seem like he had suffered from dementia and forgotten what he had taught me.

If that’s the case, then there’s only one answer.

“Certainly, the tone and feeling were different, but…”

If the person who taught me Taiji Quan wasn’t Master Zhang Sanfeng, then who could it be?

[You’ve learned a new martial art, right?]

“Yes, it’s called Taiji Quan…”

[Recite the key points of the technique.]

Master Zhang Sanfeng suddenly demanded that I recite the key points of Taiji Quan.

Without any hesitation, I recited the key points of Taiji Quan.

[Taiji Quan, to hell with it!]

As soon as he heard the key points, Master Zhang Sanfeng ground his teeth. It seemed he had immediately recognized which martial art this was.

[Heavy Earth Essence Technique… That old monk Daruma!]

“…Excuse me?”

Shin-gong (Divine Art). It’s not a term used for just any martial art.

Moreover, he clearly just mentioned Daruma.

Daruma. Bodhidharma.

Known as Bodhidharma in Sanskrit, and in the Central Plains, he is called Bodhidharma, often simply referred to as Daruma.

The founder of Shaolin who first opened its gates in the small forest of Songshan.

The founder of the Shaolin Temple, one of the five great mountains.

A legend who established the first foundation of Unorthodox Martial Arts in the Central Plains.

There are countless names used to refer to him.

In a sense, it was a name as significant, if not more, than Master Zhang Sanfeng.


[Even though It’s modified to suit you, this is definitely the Heavy Earth Essence Technique.]

I Learned martial arts from Daruma?

Even when I learned martial arts from Master Zhang Sanfeng, it felt incredibly unreal. If I woke up tomorrow and it was all a dream, it would be believable.

“Oh, wait a minute.”

Overwhelmed by the shock of learning martial arts from Daruma, I momentarily lost my train of thought and began to consider the implications.

“Then, won’t this cause a problem?”

The internal martial arts are a study of the mind and a guide to the flow of internal energy. They are the root of martial arts training.

Originally, if the internal martial arts are from the same root, there could be some integration.

However, if the roots are different, the direction and interpretation of progress will also differ.

With different methods and approaches, the flow of internal energy will differ. If the two studies collide, it would be self-destructive.

For these reasons, most martial arts sects consider learning techniques from other sects a taboo. If someone is caught learning another sect’s techniques recklessly, they might face severe punishment or be expelled.

There may be additional reasons, like the added crime of insufficient sect techniques, but in any case.

Currently, it meant I had learned the internal martial arts from both the Wudang Sect and Shaolin, two different roots.

To my rudimentary understanding, this sounded incredibly risky.

“Then, I should stop learning this Taiji Quan, or rather, the Heavy Earth Essence Technique, right?”



There was no immediate response.

In fact, I had prepared for an immediate “Of course!” but.


The response was not what I expected.

“No, you mean, ‘No’ as in ‘don’t learn it’?”

[Learn it.]


[It’s annoying, but Daruma that big-headed old monk really refined the Heavy Earth Essence Technique. While filling in the gaps in what you lacked, he also polished away any conflicts with your existing Clear Mind Technique. Even if a better method had emerged, it’s impossible to discard it.]

Master Zhang Sanfeng spoke as if he were wounded in pride.

Given his high pride, it wasn’t surprising he was displeased with the situation.

Yet, despite this, he would offer me a better path even at the cost of his pride.

He values the growth of his disciple more than his own pride.

While this may seem obvious, the world often fails to live up to such expectations.

Especially when it’s Master Zhang Sanfeng!

He is one of the most revered legends in martial arts history.

Yet, his pride was surpassed by the respect given to him.

Thinking this made a strange excitement surge in my chest.

[What’s with that expression?]

“I’m touched, Master.”

[You get touched over everything.]

Master Zhang Sanfeng scoffed, seemingly displeased with my reaction.

Though he appeared displeased, there was a hint of embarrassment in his demeanor.

[Anyway, I need to prepare even more rigorously for the next lesson.]

“Thank you.”

[No need to thank me for something that’s obvious.]

The more I heard, the more it seemed that he was indeed feeling embarrassed.

[Ugh! Just focus on your training!]

Thinking that his inner feelings might be exposed, he took his leave like a fresh-faced person.

Indeed, after those words, no more voices came.

As everything around me and the voice in my head grew quiet, I gently pinched my cheek.

It hurt.

“This isn’t a dream.”

If this were a dream, it would be the worst nightmare imaginable. Isn’t it said that taking and giving away is the dirtiest and most petty thing in the world?

If all of this were a dream and upon waking, I saw the ceiling of the residence of the Wudang Sect’s inner disciples, I would have been ready to cry for three days and nights until my voice was hoarse.

“To have Master Zhang Sanfeng and now Bodhidharma.”

I don’t know how this connection with the Celestial Realm was made, but it was definitely one of the greatest fortunes in the martial arts world.

For martial artists training in martial arts, everyone desires a master or expert who can provide proper training and enlightenment.

Some would even pretend to be dead, or truly be ready to die, to receive even one lesson.

It’s said that some people obtain fortuitous encounters through such extreme measures.

To have such fortuitous encounters twice in a row.

Master Zhang Sanfeng taught me the way to refine my body and the Clear Mind Technique, and then Bodhidharma taught me Taiji Quan and the Heavy Earth Essence Technique, filling in the gaps. Master Zhang Sanfeng, upon confirming this, is now sharpening his blade to provide something even better.

Is there any greater fortune for a martial artist?

“Is this for real?”

Just thinking about it fills me with satisfaction. There’s a sense of completeness as if everything is fulfilled.

After that, I pinched my cheek several more times.

Each pinch made a silly laugh escape from my open mouth.

Now, I walk only on the flower paths.

…Or so I thought.

“Did you not hear?”

[It’s not as if I’m whispering in your ear—what exactly aren’t you catching?]

“That sounds a bit absurd.”

Everything that had happened so far was equally surreal, but this took it a step further.

“So, you two are…”

[We’re going to look at your martial arts.]

[You already have a connection with me as your master. Even a slight connection is a bond, and we can’t let such a significant one slip away.]

It seemed not only Master Zhang Sanfeng but also Bodhidharma was willing to be my master.

Does that mean I should call him Master Daruma now?

From Master Zhang Sanfeng to Master Daruma?

The bond between master and disciple isn’t just about passing on teachings. If it were, the two of them would know better. Yet they’re willing to accept me as their disciple.

A really ridiculous turn of Events

“It’s really okay?”

[Well, although we argued about it, there was something I felt a bit guilty about…]

Was there some debt from the past?

“Master Jang Sam-Poong doesn’t seem like the type to be in debt.”

[It’s not that… Ahem!]

Master Jang Sam-Poong coughed awkwardly, as if poked in the ribs.

[It’s because of the Reverse Meridian Technique.]

Master Dalma spoke in place of Master Jang Sam-Poong.

At the unexpected mention of the martial art, Yeon Cheong-un reconsidered his words.

“Reverse Meridian Technique?”


“That Reverse Meridian Technique? The one known as the supreme martial art of Shaolin?”

There are several martial arts that have brought fame to the martial world through Shaolin, but Reverse Meridian Technique is among the top.

Also known as Dalma Reverse Meridian Technique, this martial art is one of those.

[Supreme martial art? It’s just a training method suitable for refining one’s muscles and bones.]

This is Master Jang Sam-Poong’s voice.

It was slightly scolding.

“Why Reverse Meridian Technique?”

There was a hint of an explanation. However, I asked with a sense of disbelief, trailing off at the end.

The answer came in response to my question.

[The Taoist training methods alone would have been difficult to improve your weak muscles and bones. So, well, it was mixed in moderately.]

“…So I’ve learned Reverse Meridian Technique?”

[To be precise, it’s a mixture of a few fragments of Reverse Meridian Technique, blended with the Taoist art of Doje Bigo and Tianzhu Yuga skills.]

Note:- Adding this for Some simplicity.
– Tianzhu Yuga (천주유가) – Taoist Art of Tianzhu Yuga (or Heavenly Pillar Technique)
– Doje Bigo (도제비고) – Taoist Art of Doje Bigo (or Taoist Art of the Adept’s Technique)


Isn’t that considered plagiarism, Master?

[Why the silence?]

“I invoke the right to remain silent.”

Let’s look on the bright side. The important thing is that I’ve learned Reverse Meridian Technique. And that Master Jang Sam-Poong, a celestial being, even tailored it for me.

“Reverse Meridian Technique…”

It seems like today is a day for surprises.

“Is it really alright for me to learn it?”

[Well, it should be fine, right? The creator himself given permission.]

It’s the Reverse Meridian Technique created by Master Dalma. The one who invented the martial art has granted permission. This sounds like there shouldn’t be a major issue.

[However, it’s better not to disclose it publicly. Shaolin tends to attract somewhat unruly kids.]


Understanding the meaning right away, I replied promptly.

If asked where I learned Reverse Meridian Technique, saying it was from Master Dalma would elicit predictable responses.

‘Where did you learn this?’

‘Master Dalma taught me!’

‘Have you really lost it?!’

In reverse, if I were a disciple of Shaolin and heard such a story, I’d probably be enraged and break things.

‘Does it matter?’

Bodhidharma is the master.

Now, not only Master Jang Sam-Poong but also Master Dalma could be revered as my masters.

It’s something any martial artist would dream of.

No, it’s so far-fetched that it seems like a dream in itself.

Although I’ve never felt that Master Jang Sam-Poong’s teachings were lacking, the idea of Bodhidharma becoming my master, not just teaching me one martial art but becoming my master, made me smile naturally.

[It might not be all good.]

Master Jang Sam-Poong’s words, carrying a peculiar tone, were heard.

It sounded like it had a sharp edge.

“I think it’s quite an honor…”

[That’s only natural.]


It’s truly a source of pride.

Well, it’s a matter of course.

“Then, it seems there are only good things.”

[If you only see the good points, that’s good.]

If you only see the good points, that’s true. It means there are bad points too.

Although it’s a situation that any martial artist would dream of, are there drawbacks?

[Basically, since the roots of the Taoist and the martial arts I’m teaching are different, we need to create an area where they coexist and harmonize, but I’m determined to push in whatever I can.]

There are drawbacks.

[Ha! Ha! Ha! Try your best to learn. I’ll teach with all my might.]

For now, it sounds like the two of them will work together… or rather, teach quite competitively.

In any case, they won’t teach me anything harmful, but the idea of pushing it all in feels ominous.

Now that I think about it, when Master Jang Sam-Poong went a bit mad at the Wudang sect, it felt like tasting hell. And if Master Dalma joins?


The path of flowers is indeed a trail of flames.

‘Should I be happy…?’

There’s a saying, “Too much is as bad as not enough.” To be honest, I’m a bit scared.

Just following Master Jang Sam-Poong’s teachings was exhausting.

It’s the teachings of beings beyond human. Even if I grow older, I wouldn’t be able to handle such vastness.

And now, there will be one more such being?

‘Is it greed?’

It’s an inescapable thought.


‘Hyeondo Hall Master… Yoon Si-Hoo!’

Vivid memories of voices and appearances.

The neglect and disdain I experienced.

‘I’ll surpass it all!’

“It’s what I hoped for.”

My grievances pushed away my worries.

The dreams from my childhood pushed away my hesitations.

There were people I admired. Hearts filled with personal ambitions and youthful admiration.

Becoming a martial artist was the optimal path to fulfill those ambitions and dreams.

Now that there is a faster path to achieve that, I don’t wanna act like a coward.

Even if fear makes me pause for a moment, I won’t step back. Stubbornly, even if I collapse from exhaustion, I’ll crawl to reach that high place!

“Thank you in advance.”


[Ha ha.]

I heard voices filled with great interest in my mind.

They seemed quite inspired by what I said. That inspiration will surely come back to me in full.

I was ready to endure it all proudly.

‘If there were more than two, maybe I’d feel it was too much.’

What if there were even more celestial masters teaching me?

For a moment, I smiled at such a thought, even though it was just a fleeting imagination.

Surely not.

A space boiling with disgusting filth.

In a place overflowing with a stench and filth that seemed like it would rot the lungs just from breathing, a man with fierce eyes and a beard dipped his hands into that filth.

“Blackwind Demon Emperor. An impressive name for trash.”


A massive cauldron and the filth boiling within it.

The man with a fierce appearance was stuffing the Blackwind Demon Emperor, the figure he was called, into the filth.

Even as his hands became soiled and discolored as if poisoned, emitting a sizzling sound as his flesh burned, he showed no sign of discomfort.


Finally, the man casually withdrew his hand from the filth and dusted it off. Strangely enough, his hand, which had been a mess to the point where bones were visible, had returned to normal.

“Indeed, just trash.”

The man with the fierce appearance frowned as he listened to stories of the lower realm.

The demon have been corrupted.

The once-pure demons were gone. At least the demons he remembered were no longer in the lower realm.

The demons of his time were pure.

Without complex calculations, only the instincts of the strong were in play.

However, after clashing with the unified strength of the righteous sect, the demons learned to gather as a group.

When people gather, politics arise, and with politics, power structures form.

They grew stronger but also weaker.


If possible, he wanted to descend to the lower realm immediately and give them a lesson on what a true demon is.

However, that wasn’t possible.

“Well, it’s not just my story.”

Just as the demon has degenerated, he heard that the current martial world of the lower realm has many issues with the righteous sect as well.

While the martial arts of the righteous sect are strong, it takes a long time to achieve that strength. Hence, the saying that young masters come from the demon path and old masters from the righteous path.

In the conflicts between the righteous, the evil, and the demons, many visions were lost, and the severed martial veins emerged, leading to the corruption of the righteous sect as well.

They became obsessed with quick achievements and pursued immediate strength over distant completion.

Unable to endure hunger, they resorted to eating rotten meat.

As a result, the true essence of martial arts vanished.

All that remains is the struggle among humans.

Unless a figure emerges who can overturn the flow of an era like himself, no one from the righteous, the evil, or the demons will ever ascend to the celestial realm.

“Is there not even one useful person?”

The man, once feared and revered as the ‘Great Demon’ and the ‘Demon Overlapping the Sky’ on earth, murmured while gazing at the scene of the Hell of Filth.

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Chapter 6