Assistant Manager Kim Became a Millionaire Overnight Chapter 2

[Total valuation amount: 12,473,834,125 won.]

approximately $9,596,010 USD.

12.4 Billion Won.

approximately $9.5 million.

I rubbed my tired eyes vigorously and even closed and reopened them, but the number remained the same.

Is this a dream? I pinched my cheek, and it stung. This isn’t a dream; this is reality—a unrealistic reality




All sorts of thoughts were jumbled in my head. Excluding the last digits, it was 12.4 billion won. I think I once heard that the average amount for a first-place lottery prize was around 2 billion won.


To put it simply….


Right now, I have the amount of money I would have if I had won the lottery six times in a row. That probably won’t happen, but if I were to just put it in a bank account, how much money would I get each month?


Interest rates have been soaring recently, with deposit interest rates exceeding 6%.


If you deposit 100 million won, the annual interest alone would be 6 million won. Even if you just left it as is, you could earn 700 million won in total, with over 40 million won per year. Divided monthly, this amounts to a staggering 62 million won.


I tried to organize my thoughts while biting my fingernails.


What on earth should I do with this money? It felt like a sudden stroke of luck. I was starting to feel uneasy, thinking that if I acted recklessly, it might slip away like the tide.


A few negative news articles came to mind one after another.


Articles about a lottery winner who had become a vagrant ten years later, or a Powerball winner whose much larger winnings had led to a similar fate, came to mind.


However, my mind became more at ease.


My monthly salary was only in the early to mid-200s after tax. Buying my own house? It was a dream I couldn’t even dare to imagine. After paying for telecommunications, insurance, transportation, and even rent, I was left with only a tiny amount of money.

Things are different now.


After the stock and cryptocurrency boom, two new terms emerged. One is ‘lightning-rich,’ and the other is ‘lightning-poor.’ While some people made a fortune through speculative investments, others found themselves falling behind simply for staying put.


It was me.


I went from being what’s known as a “sudden poor” to becoming a “sudden rich.” How should I protect and grow this money? Thoughts spiraled, and I lost sleep over it.

It was a continuous series of happy dilemmas.



Saturday morning.

I sat down at my computer as soon as I woke up. I wanted to check if the luck that had come to me last night was real or just a dream. When I logged into the cryptocurrency trading site Upbit…

[ Total evaluation amount: 13,185,812,836 won. ]

approximately 9.8 million USD.

The valuation in my coin wallet had increased significantly overnight.

Over 13 billion won in valuation.

Even now, large sums of money worth tens of millions of won were fluctuating within a short span of time. Just watching those erratic numbers made me feel dazed. Should I leave it as is? Or should I sell? What on earth should I do?

After a brief period of contemplation.

It didn’t take long before I came to the conclusion, “I need to sell everything.”

The reason was very simple.

This money wasn’t earned through my ‘ability.’ For reference, I believe I have a fairly strong sense of self-awareness. Although I might learn how to grow this money if I manage it well, at the moment, I lack the capability to do so.

Therefore, I should sell it. Sell it and protect it.

But there’s a problem.

“…that’s a big deal.”

I don’t know a single thing about coins. How much? I don’t even know how to buy and sell coins.

At that time.

Suddenly, “Yu-beom,” a high school classmate, came to my mind. Yu-beom has often been praising coins for quite some time. Instead of installment savings, instead of stocks, I asked him to buy it because it’s a little good.

Suddenly I became curious.

Did he make some money with coins too? Since it had already been a few years since Yu-beom first mentioned Bitscoin, I thought he might have made a lot of money.
Huh? no way?

Is that why he spends his days and nights playing online games without even thinking about finding a job?

First of all, I had to ask Yu-beom whether he had made a lot of money with Bitcoin or not.

There’s no way a guy who insists you should buy coins without hesitation doesn’t know how to sell them.

— Tiring, tiring.

The ringtone rang a few times.

What’s this? What’s going on?

Yu-beom’s deep voice came through the receiver. In the background, I could hear the frantic tapping of a keyboard, “Crack, crack, crack.” It was clear that he was still engrossed in a game.


“Yubeom, are you still into cryptocurrency?”

— Yeah, I’m still actively trading.

“Hey, how do you buy and sell these things?”

— Why? Are you thinking of getting into it too?

“Just a bit curious these days.”

At that, Yubeom on the other end of the line chuckled.

— Hey, Beomsu, cryptocurrency isn’t easy, you know? It’s not something an average person can just dive into and expect to make a profit easily.
“Is that so?”

— Of course. How many years have I been dealing with crypto? Even as a top expert among experts, a master among masters, if you let your guard down, you never know what might happen.

So, you must have made a lot of money?

“Yu-beom, how much have you earned?”

— Hey, asking about that is a bit rude…

“What’s the big deal? How much did you make?”

— Even if we’re friends, it’s not really appropriate…

“Aren’t we close friends? What’s the problem?”

We had been friends since we were in our mothers’ wombs. Our mothers were high school classmates, and have always lived in the same neighborhood, we had gone to the same schools from kindergarten through high school. We were that close. Embarrassed by my prodding, he finally answered.

— Well, I’m currently in a loss period.

“Did you not make any money?”

— Even if it’s a loss period, you know,

“But the coins have gone up a lot, right?”

— Just because they’ve gone up doesn’t mean everyone makes money.

“Wasn’t it like that?”

— Someone has to lose for someone else to gain.

Yubeom, who gave a vague answer, changed the topic.

— Anyway, what are you curious about? You’re blessed to have a friend like me, a coin expert and master. It’s not common to have someone like me around. Just let me know what you want to ask, and I’ll tell you everything.

There was only one piece of information to get from him.

Yeah, that’s good to hear. Can you tell me how to buy and sell?

Eventually, he excitedly explained the basic methods for buying and selling, as well as some tips on dollar-cost averaging and partial selling. Meanwhile, the total valuation in my cryptocurrency wallet continued to fluctuate from moment to moment.

[ Total Valuation: 12,983,231,246 won. ]

The amount had decreased this time. Feeling uneasy, I repeatedly thanked him and ended the call. I thought I should first verify whether these were “real assets” that could be converted to cash.

Just like you learned, stay calm.

I took a deep breath and placed a sell order for 1 billion won worth of Bitscoin.



[Sell/Contract Completed.]


[Sell/Contract Completed.]


[Sell/Contract Completed.]


A window appeared with a cheerful notification sound, informing me that the sell order had been completed.

It was a very trivial task—just a few mouse clicks.


With just a few clicks, one billion won was created.

I tried to steady my trembling heart.

I entered my personal bank account number and pressed the button.


How much time had passed like that?


A text message arrived.

“A Billion.”

An entire billion won had been transferred into the account.

“Oh my God, this is crazy…”

Now, I could finally grasp that all the money in my coin wallet was ‘real money.’ At that moment, unable to calm my trembling heart, I kept taking deep breaths.


The phone rang.

It was a bank employee.

Suddenly, with such a large amount of money deposited, they began asking whether the deposit was correct and inquiring about the source of the funds. It was like something out of a movie. Once the source of the money was confirmed, they went on to explain the bank’s ‘investment products.

“…I’m sorry. It’s okay.”

I checked the balance through the bank app.

[Savings Account: 1,002,934,840 won.]

roughly $751,976.13 USD.

It’s embarrassing to admit, but I always believed that earning money honestly through hard work was all there was to it. There were times when people passionately spoke about the importance of ‘investing,’ but I often dismissed it, thinking, ‘That’s only possible if you have money to begin with,’ and let it go in one ear and out the other.

I’m happy.

Amidst the happiness, I also felt a bit empty. Was it because I had grasped a large sum of money without any significant effort? I couldn’t help but question why I had studied so hard, why I went to university, and why I forced myself out of bed every morning to go to work…

Well, it’s a good thing for now.

Options had opened up. If I ever felt like it, I could quit my job at any time. What I needed to focus on now wasn’t these negative thoughts. So, what should I do with the remaining coins? Should I sell them all?

The problem is…

The problem was that even now, the value was fluctuating. In that brief moment, the price of BitCoin had risen by 2%. Since this wasn’t money earned through my own efforts, I felt it might be best to convert it into cash. On the other hand…

‘What if it goes up more?’

Faint glimmers of greed kept rearing my head.

Yes, let’s keep an eye on it for a little longer.

No matter how much it drops, it didn’t seem like the current crypto craze would die down easily. Even if it fell a bit, I would just think of it as a fact that I would remember a few days later—that I received the coins as a reward for selling my game account. Of course, if it showed signs of a sharp decline, I planned to sell them off diligently.

‘It would be great if it goes up more, and if it falls, there’s nothing I can do about it…’

My mind felt lighter.

No, it was reassuring.

There is one billion won in my bank account.

First of all…

I felt the urge to try it out.

In simpler terms…

I wanted to indulge in a bit of luxury.

Let’s spend it lavishly,

Let’s calculate how long it would take to save 100 million won. Even if you save a million won every month, it would take 8 years and 4 months to accumulate that amount. And yet, there is an amount in the bank that is equivalent to having to repeat that process ten times over.

Is that all?

On top of that, there was money in the coin wallet that would require repeating that process no less than 120 times to accumulate. To be precise, it had been fluctuating—shrinking and then growing again. It was as if a large sum of money were living, constantly contracting and expanding like a living organism.


Yes, let’s indulge in a bit of luxury that wasn’t part of my fate. As soon as my thoughts were settled, I quickly prepared and left the house.

With a light,

truly carefree step.



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Chapter 2