The Masters Are Watching Over Me Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Like Family, Like a Clan (Part 1)

Training under Master Jang Sam-Poong and Master Dalma was nothing short of torturous.

To put it mildly:

[If you push any further, you’ll be permanently injured.]


The training I was undergoing pushed my body to its absolute limit, teetering on the edge, barely held together by the surface tension of sheer willpower. I was warned that even the slightest misstep could cause irreparable damage to my body.

I hadn’t realized it at the time, but I was literally on the brink of serious injury—pushing just far enough to avoid crossing that fatal line.

Realizing how close I had been to breaking down gave me chills.

It’s common sense that extreme training carries the risk of injury, but oddly enough, I wasn’t scared.

[What happens if your breathing falters? you wanna prepare you for a long ‘relaxing life’ as a cripple?]

[Refining the body (身) allows one to gather the spirit (情), and refining the spirit gathers the mind (心). When you unite the three essences (三情) with the five hearts (五心), you will achieve true understanding (眞解). What does that mean? Haha, you’ll understand later. For now, just let this sink deep into your subconscious. It will help when you open the gates of enlightenment. But for now, we can still push you harder.]

Every time I veered even slightly off course, a barrage of instructions followed.

Each word they spoke seemed to imprint itself deep within me, beyond my conscious understanding, into the recesses of my unconscious mind.

It almost felt like brainwashing—but I accepted their teachings with everything I had.

It was difficult, but one thing helped me along.

The Earth Essence Technique (토정공).

According to Master Jang Sam-Poong, this martial art, also known as the Central Earth Technique (중토신공), nurtured the body. While the Clear Mind Technique (청명심법) comforted the mind and spirit, this Earth Essence Technique supported the body, much like the vast and steady earth.

Thanks to it, my recovery time significantly improved.

Apparently, it was also strengthening my foundation—but considering my masters’ ridiculously high standards, I had no idea where that ‘foundation’ even began.

As I continued training in the Earth Essence Technique, I could feel power flowing through my body, tangibly growing stronger.

And then I realized the nature of that power.

It was qi (氣).

What martial artists referred to as internal energy (내공).

Master Jang Sam-Poong and Master Dalma weren’t just refining my physical body; they were cultivating my internal energy. And by refining my internal energy, they further honed my physical body.

Rather than the usual seated meditation techniques used to cultivate internal energy, they combined physical training with internal cultivation, allowing both to grow in tandem.

Where others sat still, focusing solely on breathing exercises, I was training both my body and internal energy at the same time.

And it wasn’t simply a case of adding one to the other. The two pulled each other upward, increasing my progress exponentially.

Or so I thought.

[Increased internal energy? Ah, I suppose that’s how it feels to you.]

“Excuse me?”

[Well, it’s fine for you to think that for now. Explaining it now would only confuse you.]

Even though some parts of their teachings left me baffled, I didn’t have the luxury to dwell on them for long.

But that wasn’t even the most shocking part.

[It’s all just a foundation in the end.]

[We aren’t merely focused on the depth of your internal energy(내공). We’re looking beyond that. Don’t assign too much importance to what isn’t necessary. Everything you’re building right now is just the beginning.]

Frankly, it sent chills down my spine.

It was terrifying.

Just how high were the sights of these two masters?

What could they possibly see at the end of their paths?

Fear, excitement, and awe surged within me.

For a moment, I found myself yearning to see the world through their eyes.

It seemed impossible with my current abilities, but one day, surely!

[The key to Shaolin’s martial arts is that the entire body becomes a weapon. From the head, to the fists, palms, fingers, shoulders, elbows, hips, thighs, knees, and feet—all parts of the body should move as one, flowing seamlessly. The essence of Shaolin lies in integrating these movements so that the hands lead, the eyes follow, the body moves in sync, and the steps build the foundation. When the shoulders and thighs move as one, and the elbows and knees, hands, and feet unite, only then can Shaolin truly manifest its form.]


Apologies, I take back what I said about understanding. Is this some kind of foreign language?

There’s an old saying—people who speak in convoluted ways are usually frauds. Not that Master Dalma is one, of course.

[To put it simply, every part of your body becomes a weapon. Once you trust in that, you just charge in and beat the opponent senseless. Master Dalma tends to overcomplicate things.]

“Oh, I see.”

When Master Jang Sam-Poong explained it, it suddenly made sense.

[Your explanation is a bit oversimplified.]

[But it’s not wrong, is it?]


Between the two, Master Jang Sam-Poong definitely felt more suited to being a teacher.

Still, why did I feel uneasy?

[You seem to be looking a bit suspiciously at me?]


“That can’t be. You know How much I respect the masters.”

When it comes to teaching martial arts, they are people one cannot help but respect.

If you only see them while they are teaching martial arts.

Personally, I seem to have developed a bit of a temper due to the constant scolding, but I can overlook it as just a matter of being overly spoiled. However, there is something a bit uncomfortable in another aspect.

For example.


**”얍!” is a sound effect typically used in martial arts or action scenes. It can be translated to English as “Yah!” or “Yup!”. It is often used to express a sudden action, like a quick strike or movement.**

The younger sibling, who had been peeking around, seemed disappointed that I, who had returned after a long time, was solely focused on martial arts training. At some point, they started coming over and imitating the training I was doing.

Like a puppy in need of attention.

They are inherently adorable, and their cuteness stands out no matter what they do. There is undeniable charm in them.

Perhaps due to their natural flexibility, they performed Taiji Quan quite well.

In the end, unless I was at the limit of my physical and internal energy training, I did not deliberately distance myself from my sibling and practiced Taiji Quan together closely.

Both of the masters are strangely kind towards my sibling.

They even made a special Taiji Quan for beginners and taught it to them.

It was so simple that even children could learn it, so it was taught to my grandfather and parents as well.

My grandfather and parents eagerly learned it upon hearing that consistent practice could lead to a long and healthy life. They are at an age where they need to pay attention to their health.

Moreover, my parents are still active.

If I were to make a half-joking remark, the two might become so healthy from this that another sibling could appear.




“Like this!”

Anyway, my younger sibling often came over during my training sessions and imitated the moves of the Wudang Taiji Quan with noticeable enthusiasm.

[Oh my, how cute.]


The two masters enjoyed my sibling as if they were their own grandchildren.

If Yeon Cheong-un is a disciple with a taste for raising, Yeon Cheong-woo is a child with a taste for watching.

It’s natural to find enjoyment in watching someone as adorable as my sibling showing their cuteness.

Not just because they are my sibling, but a sibling like this is rare.

According to friends and close acquaintances in the neighborhood, siblings like mine are said to be the reincarnation of enemies from a past life.

“You’re doing well.”




Yeon Cheong-woo, with a bright smile that seemed to smell like sunshine at Yeon Cheong-un’s praise, rushed in and hugged him.

Yeon Cheong-un, accepting the sibling who rushed in without evading, chuckled.

“You smell, you little rascal.”

“It’s okay! I like your smell!”

“Oh dear.”

If one can feel their own sweat smell, it indicates a rather severe condition. At that point, others would be reluctant to come close.

But my sibling clung to it happily.

It is one-sided affection.

No one would dislike receiving such affection.

Especially from a child as sunny as my sibling.

In the end, I gave up pushing my sibling away and allowed them to stay close with a relaxed face.

[What a picturesque sibling pair.]

Seeing their close bond, Master Dalma spoke with a voice full of satisfaction.

But then.

[What are you suddenly doing?]

[Isn’t it a picture-perfect sibling relationship?]

[So, you’re going to draw a picture?]

Excuse me? Master Dalma? What do you mean by suddenly talking about drawing a picture?

[If it looks good, then that’s enough, right? What else?]

[What nonsense.]

That’s what I said.

It’s one thing to inadvertently show a lot of sibling affection, but it feels a bit odd to leave it as a picture.

But as a disciple, I couldn’t voice my thoughts, so I simply agreed with Master Jang Sam-Poong’s words.

[Hey, draw one for me too.]

Simply agreeing like that… Excuse me? Master Jang Sam-Poong?

Why did your attitude suddenly change? Huh?

What kind of picture was it, anyway?

Tell me, why are you acting like this towards me?


Unaware of the situation, my younger sibling continued to smile cutely and nuzzle in my embrace.

Little one, this isn’t the time.

You’re being sold off in the celestial realm!

I’m truly sorry to my two masters who have given me so much, but ever since that incident, I’ve developed a bit of a wariness towards them.


Once again, after training, my younger sibling comes running to me.

In the end, I can’t push away the affection of my sibling.



Strange laughter and the absence of words from the two masters.

Of course, this wariness is ongoing.

It seems they took one more today.

If I told someone that Master Jang Sam-Poong or Master Dalma were like this, they’d probably think I’m crazy.

If it reaches the Wudang Sect or Shaolin, I wonder if someone might come to smash my head.

‘Let’s just think of it as tuition fees.’

From what I heard, there are no beings like children in the celestial realm where the two masters are. Now that I think about it, that makes sense.

There might be beings that look like children on the surface, but they’re actually older than Master Jang Sam-Poong or Master Dalma.

They even say they have no manners.

I couldn’t really imagine it, but Master Jang Sam-Poong said to imagine my younger sibling discussing the Analects and smirking every time an answer is blocked.

Ugh! That sounds so creepy.

Thinking about it that way, I could understand why the two masters were so enthusiastic about my sibling.

So, I gradually came to accept it.

After all, they are beings I’ll never face again in my lifetime, so it’s not a big deal if they draw a few pictures.

Thinking positively, Master Jang Sam-Poong, who even used the word ‘crazy,’ suddenly changed his attitude. It might be that it’s a really well-drawn picture.

If a picture that makes Master Jang Sam-Poong change his attitude is circulated in the celestial realm, my face might sell a bit, but wouldn’t there be something falling out? If it ends up in the hands of good people, they might even share some blessings.


While I was thinking about these random thoughts, I felt a strange sensation and turned my gaze.

I looked towards a place where no one was.

‘Something tickled me.’

Ever since I acquired *Qingjing, I sometimes get these sensations.

**In English, Qingjing (清静) is often translated as “Clarity” or “Serenity”. It refers to a state of mental tranquility and clarity in martial arts.

I stopped my training for a moment and focused my gaze on the presence I sensed. Soon, the owner of this presence appeared.

A slight smile formed on my lips as I recognized the person.

Baek Mu-ho.

He was someone I grew up playing with in the neighborhood since childhood.

Despite having a manly appearance, his sly personality often made him the subject of complaints about not living up to his looks. He also had a smooth demeanor, so his social circle was quite broad.

He was also the child of a prominent family in Samyang-Town.

Baek Mu-ho’s father was the head of the only Baek Family Hall in Samyang-Town, and most of the logistics transactions in Samyang-Town went through Baek Family Hall.

Although it is somewhat in a ceasefire state, it’s a dangerous world where the conflict between the Orthodox and Demonic Sect hasn’t disappeared, so merchants without a hall cannot operate freely. Naturally, the influence of halls in the martial world is considerable.

Baek Family Hall was the only hall in Samyang-Town, and Baek Mu-ho’s father, Baek Jin-sung, was a well-known martial artist with high status, coming from the Mount Hua Sect.

As the eldest son of such a family, and as someone who doesn’t boast and lowers himself, he was quite popular.

It seems he came to visit me upon hearing that I returned home.

Considering that I suddenly returned, it would be proper for me to visit Baek Mu-ho first.

‘It’s still a bit awkward.’

There was a bit of unease in visiting his home as someone expelled from the Wudang Sect.

One of the reasons I decided to become a martial artist was because of this guy’s family.

Therefore, I was grateful and happy that he came to visit first, so I was all smiles…

“Did you have a bowel movement?”

The cheapness of this first remark after such a long time.

“Ugh, this smells like it’s been ten years of constipation.”

“…Yeah, it’s good to see you too.”

Such words are only possible with close friends.

Because we’re close, we can talk like this.

Thinking that way and trying to move on.

“What’s this, not the reaction I was expecting?”

It seems he had a different reaction in mind. Baek Mu-ho, who looked at me with suspicion, suddenly glanced at Cheong-woo beside him and his eyes sparkled.

“Cheong-woo, you shouldn’t be here. That’s not your hyung. It’s a stinky monster disguised as your hyung. Run away quickly.”

It seems his slyness has worsened since we last met.

Should I say he’s gotten dumber, or has he just started spouting nonsense?

“You really need to taste the sweat now.”

I moved forward with a foul odor, just as this bastard said.

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Chapter 7