Assistant Manager Kim Became a Millionaire Overnight Chapter 1

BS Food, a restaurant franchise company.


This damn company has no concept of ‘working hours.’ Whether it’s day or night, weekday or weekend, the restaurant’s doors are always wide open.


I read in a news article that Korea is oversaturated with restaurants. It’s said that, compared to the United States, there are six times as many restaurants per capita.


There are more people working in the restaurant industry than there are restaurants. From store owners and clerks to employees at franchise headquarters like me,


I’m also part of the industry.


To be exact, I work as a ‘Manager’.


It has been almost four years since I began working as a supervisor at BS Food, a restaurant franchise company. My role involves supporting and supervising both the head office and franchisees, as well as acting as a communication channel between them.


If someone were to ask me, ‘What exactly does a supervisor do?’, I’d probably say, ‘Don’t think too hard about it. It’s like a shrimp getting its back broken in a fight between whales.’ Sometimes, I wonder how I’ve managed to last for four years. The salary is low, the working hours are irregular, and the treatment is terrible. Before I entered the industry, I dared to dream of something different.




I want to become a truly competent supervisor who is recognized by both the franchise headquarters and the store owners. I aim to be a supervisor who works hard for everyone, not one who is biased and only represents one side.


Once you’re in it, reality can be a mess.


Being stuck between the headquarters and franchisees, I constantly have to watch out for both sides, which leaves me mentally exhausted. The headquarters pressures me daily to perform, while the franchisees resent the very presence of a supervisor.


Tiring, tiring, tiring-


Today, I was heading back to work after visiting various stores in my assigned area. When I checked my cell phone, which I had left on the passenger seat, I saw it vibrating with a call from Manager Kim.


[ Manager Kim Min-hyeok ].


I took a deep breath and answered the phone right away.




Soon. I couldn’t help but frown at the loud shouting coming from the other end of the phone.


—  Hey, Assistant Manager Kim! Didn’t you say that the regular visit schedule for the Ubon Seohyeon branch was changed to next week?


“Manager, I called the new store owner and sent a separate email to inform him of the schedule change.”


—  No, but why is the new store owner calling me to ask when my regular visit is? Aren’t you going to do your job properly?


This is the issue. It might not be the work itself, but rather my ambiguous position. Being caught in the middle means I get cursed at and face frustration from both sides.


At the head office, I deal with the pressure to perform and endure scolding and nagging from superiors. In the field, I have to listen to complaints and grumbling from franchise owners. Sometimes, it feels like I’m constantly trying to manage their scolding while still trying to please them.


He is a beggar through and through in the role of B(2nd).

Once again, a shout came from beyond the receiver.


—  Assistant Manager Kim, you need to call the new store owner and explain the schedule change again! It’s been a few years, and you still can’t handle things like this properly—why even bother? 


I ended the call with a brief, ‘Yes, yes, sorry…’ and immediately called the owner of the Seohyeon branch, the person in question. After waiting for the signal a few times, I heard the gentle voice of the Seohyeon branch owner on the line.”


— Uh, Assistant Manager Kim, what’s going on? Is this good news or bad news? Please let me know first.

“Store owner, have you spoken with Manager Kim on the phone? I’m completely overwhelmed…”


—  Ah, that? Why? What did Manager Kim say? Why do they say that Manager Kim is a good person?


“I told you that the regular visit schedule was postponed. Why didn’t you inform me?”


– Ah, is that the reason? I’m sorry. After the phone call, did you remember anything Assistant Manager Kim told you?


He joked again


— Manager Kim knows how crazy things are these days, right? I’m sorry. Only Assistant Manager Kim is taking the brunt of it because of me. Can you understand that? Wait a second. Hey! No, not there! That table over there—number 8! Hey, don’t you know your numbers?


He then abruptly ended the call before I could respond.


Anyway, everything is fine, right? If that’s the case, let’s talk next time.


With those words, the call ended. From that perspective, it probably wasn’t a big deal, so I sighed and tossed my phone back onto the passenger seat.


“I have to deal with it…”


I don’t know if it’s like this for everyone, but I always carry a ‘resignation letter’ in my pocket. Jung told me to leave if I don’t like the job, but I don’t have the courage to quit just yet. The good news is that today is Friday.




I didn’t want to think about anything, so I immediately turned up the volume on the song. The track I chose was ‘Don’t Think Too Deeply’ by Kim Gwang-seok. Alright, let’s not overthink it.

The more you think about it, the more tempting quitting your job becomes.




After many twists and turns, as soon as I arrived at the office, Manager Yang greeted me.

“Assistant Manager Kim, you’ve had a busy day. You went out for work and are now back, right?”


At first glance, he might seem like an imposing figure, but he is exceptionally talented.


Among the employees of the three franchise operations teams I’m part of, there isn’t a single person dissatisfied with Manager Yang.


This is likely because he understands the simple truth that getting angry when things go wrong isn’t the best approach.


Manager Yang was always calm and composed.


He knew how to offer warm words of encouragement to his subordinates and, even in difficult situations, he would console them by saying, ‘Let’s tackle it step by step,’ instead of snapping at them.

“Yes, Manager, I just returned from visiting the Ubon Pangyo branch.”


Manager Yang patted my shoulder with a smile.


“Yes, I know you’re having a hard time. I’m just saying this as someone older, but don’t skip meals. Even though you work in the restaurant industry, it’s important to eat regularly. While others may gain weight from their work, you seem to be getting thinner.”


He nodded and responded to those words.


“‘Yes. Thank you for your concern.”


“Yes, yes, you’ve worked hard.’”


As soon as I returned to my seat, Manager Kim, who had scolded me on the phone earlier, spoke in a low whisper.


“Hey, Assistant Manager Beomsu Kim. Let’s get this straight.”


“I’m sorry.”


“How long do I have to keep cleaning up after you?”




“Anyway, I’ve compiled the hygiene inspection results for the franchises. Please organize them by store.”


I divided the hygiene inspection results, as instructed by Manager Kim, by region and then sorted them by score. Before I knew it, it was almost time to leave. The clock was exactly on the hour when Manager Yang, who had been waiting, stood up and began to speak.


“Alright, you all did a great job. Since it’s Friday, let’s go home early.”


People in the department had started calling the phenomenon of frequent early departures the ‘mak-dong-i effect.’ This was because Manager Yang’s frequent early departures began after the birth of his youngest child.


Occasionally, when Manager Yang would proudly show baby pictures during lunch, it seemed like our enthusiastic responses were also a kind of reward for those early departures.


Even though they are not my blood relatives, I find them really cute and pretty. Makdong, thank you for being born, and thank you for sending me home from work. It was at that moment that I grabbed my bag and stood up.


“Hey, Assistant Manager Beomsu Kim.”


“Yes, Manager.”


“How long are you going to stay unfocused?”


As I was about to step up, Manager Kim called me back. I couldn’t help but wonder what sort of bad karma Manager Kim and I might have had in a past life. Otherwise, it was hard to believe why he seemed so determined to keep a close watch on me.


It was like that from the very beginning.


When I joined ‘BS Food’ as a new employee right after graduating from college, I was immersed in the feeling that I could handle anything. Manager Kim was constantly nitpicking. ‘Why did you do it this way? Why is that like this? What exactly are you good at?


Even worse,


On some days, he would criticize me for the way I tied my tie. It was actually Manager Yang who adjusted the crooked tie for me. I might have learned from Manager Kim that society is far from easy.


I was so frustrated that my goal as a new employee was to earn Manager Kim’s recognition. Surprisingly, I’ve never received it even once.


If I were doing a poor job, at least he might have criticized me from behind, but he’s like a machine. Sometimes I wonder if his makeup isn’t water or blood but rather ‘0’s and ‘1’s. Maybe instead of blood, molten metal flows through his veins.


In a word, he’s an elite.


When did it start? Whenever I stood in front of Manager Kim, I was always on edge. It was difficult to even make eye contact. When he was flipping through the documents I had prepared, my heart would race, and I’d break out in cold sweat.


An exceptionally capable and meticulous boss, with no room for error, who leaves no opportunity for criticism and makes his subordinates feel inadequate—Manager Kim is precisely that kind of person.


“I’m sorry.”


No sooner had I finished speaking than Manager Kim’s eyes narrowed, and with a dissatisfied look, he began to speak.


“‘Don’t you get tired of saying you’re sorry?’




“Let’s stop with the apologies. I’m exhausted too.”




“Do you think I want to say things like this?”


He elaborated.


“I called the owner of the Ubon Seohyeon branch again. They said they forgot what you mentioned before. Technically, it was their mistake, so they might feel unfairly treated, but how does that change anything? You know how busy and overwhelmed the store owners are. You should have at least made one more call or sent a text. By my standards, this is simply…”


I know what’s going to come next.


“Yes, it’s my mistake.”


Maybe it wouldn’t be the case with someone else, but according to Manager Kim’s standards, it’s exactly that. After all, he has more than enough reason to say so.


“Have you finished organizing the hygiene inspection results?”


“There’s still a bit left to do.”


“Make sure it’s completed by Monday morning.”


“Yes, understood.”


“Do it properly, and don’t make any more mistakes.”


I sighed deeply and quickly left the office. In the past, I would have gone straight for a drink. On days like this, there’s no better escape than alcohol, but as I approach thirty, even that doesn’t offer the same relief anymore.


I really feel the effects of aging now.


My stamina is waning.


I need to make sure to rest on weekends.


Even that is truly exhausting…


Before long, I found myself on a crowded subway. The train rattled and jolted noisily. Amidst the commotion, I noticed the smartphone screen of a student sitting right in front of me. It looked like a game, and I thought,


‘Why does that seem familiar?’


The graphics of the game the student was playing felt oddly familiar. Ah, it’s ‘Lineage,’ the online game I was obsessed with back in my school days. I heard the mobile version was recently released and became quite popular…


‘I was truly obsessed.’


I dedicated my entire youth to that game. At school, I spent the whole day sleeping, and after school, I played the game until it was time to go back the next day. On weekends, I would play non-stop, like a wild colt, without getting a single moment of sleep.


First of all, well done.


My gaming skills were so exceptional that I was always the one leading the raid teams to conquer newly released bosses. I must have been among the first to defeat at least a dozen bosses on the server. Furthermore, I was the owner of the second-highest-ranked account on the server, ‘Hades.’


Could ‘Hades’ really become the number-one ranked account?


All the attention and anticipation of the ‘Lineage’ Gunter server users were focused on me. It was around the winter break of my second year of high school. I was faced with a monumental challenge. Achieving the number one ranking was right within reach.


“Beomsu, I still hope you go to college.”


Because of my stoic father’s words and my mother’s worried gaze, I decided to leave the world of Lineage. After that, everything happened in a flash. I sold off all my accounts and items, fetching 2.8 million won in cash.


I even managed to succeed in my studies and got into a four-year university in the metropolitan area. I even used the money from selling the account to cover my tuition, so I could say I made my parents proud.


I heard the word ‘driven’ from friends and family repeatedly. It was clear: if I set my mind to something, I could achieve it. I was intoxicated by that confidence, believing I could accomplish anything. It was a time of great self-assurance.


‘…It was definitely like that, but why does work at the company never go as planned?’


Looking back, I accomplished everything I set my mind to. Yet, why does work at the company feel so challenging? Promotions seem distant, and none of the franchise stores I manage are particularly outstanding in terms of sales. I’m just going with the flow, living in the truest sense of the word… just going with the flow.


On my way home, I stopped by a convenience store.


I bought four cans of imported beer for ten thousand won and noticed the neatly arranged fried snacks and pieces next to the counter. I planned to watch some drama or variety shows while drinking the beer, and then let the alcohol help me drift off to sleep. As soon as I got home, I turned on the TV.


— Here’s the next news story…


As I was about to change the channel, a headline scrolling beneath the anchor’s chest caught my eye: ‘Bitcoin Nears 100 Million Won.’ Instantly, an old memory I had long forgotten surged to the surface of my consciousness.


“Beomsu, I’ll take responsibility and raise it properly.”


At that time, the person who bought my Lineage account was Mr. Ho-cheol, who was part of the same guild. Although I didn’t know much about him, Mr. Ho-cheol introduced himself as a full-time professional investor and made this request to me.


“Beomsu, I’ll transfer 20.78 million won to your account.”


“What about the rest?”


“Could you accept it in virtual currency?”


“What’s that?”


“It’s called Bitcoin…”


After listening to the lengthy explanation and finding it difficult to understand, I simply asked for clarification.


“If it’s because it’s not enough, I can give you a discount of about 20,000 won.”


After hearing that, Mr. Ho-cheol responded firmly.


“No, do you think I’d go through all this just to get a 20,000 won discount on the account? Thanks to this, I got to play with a top-ranked account. I just wanted to give you something in return. You never know how much this could be worth in the future.”


In the end, due to Mr. Ho-cheol’s insistence that he would give me the payment in Bitcoin, I had to create a cryptocurrency wallet and received 20,000 won worth of Bitcoin.


Yes, I definitely received it. I remember receiving at least over a hundred Bitcoins. If what I received back then was correct, what does that mean now?


I recently saw an article saying that you can now order Domino’s pizza with Bitcoin. And I thought, should I order a free pizza?


I suddenly got chills.


Then I shook my head. No, I shouldn’t think about it. It’s a relief that I moved on. Even now, as my thoughts kept racing, the anchor continued to talk about the bright future of Bitcoin.


— Economic experts predict that the value of Bitcoin will continue to rise for the time being…


I crumpled the empty beer can and tossed the chicken bone aside. With a blank expression, I sat down in front of my computer. My mind was racing with a tangle of thoughts. What was the website? What was the ID? The password?


At last,


I quickly found my ID and password and checked the coin wallet that held the Bitcoin I received back then. Before I knew it, I was kneeling on the floor, offering thanks to a deity I didn’t even believe in.


“Thank you, God…”


“No, I gave my thanks to ‘Uncle Ho-cheol.”


“Uncle, Uncle, thank you so much. I’ll live my life to the fullest…”


The effects of the alcohol vanished in an instant. My heart was pounding as if it would burst. My chest felt hot, as if I had swallowed hot stones.


[Total Valuation: 12,473,834,125 won.]


approximately $9,596,010 USD.


The amount deposited was so substantial that it felt like I couldn’t avoid seeking divine intervention.

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Chapter 1