I Became a Necromancer Sealed for 1000 Years Chapter 1

Chapter 1: The Sealed Labyrinth


*[Chapter 0 and 1 we Found in Raws are Same, it seems to be Publications issue]*


S-Class Adventurer ‘Alex’ thought to himself that the smell was quite pleasant for the lowest level of a labyrinth. Despite having traversed countless magic dungeons as the top member of the best dungeon-clearing party, this was the first time he encountered a labyrinth with such an alluring rose scent. Normally, labyrinths are filled with the stench of decaying corpses and the foul odor of magical beasts, but this labyrinth was unusually clean and filled with a pleasant aroma.

“A Rose scent, huh? It seems the ‘Immortal Labyrinth’ is indeed different,” Alex remarked.

It wasn’t just Alex who felt this anomaly; his fellow S-Class adventurer, ‘Nico,’ also commented on it. With her beautiful golden hair, Nico’s words made Alex nod in agreement.

“Yes, it really is different.”

As Nico said, they were currently in the ‘Immortal Labyrinth,’ which was known as the world’s most notorious labyrinth. Long ago, this grand magic dungeon was said to have sealed the ‘Primordial Vampire’ that threatened the world. As an ancient place featured in legends, the magical beasts appearing here were all extremely vicious, exceeding basic B-rank.

Due to its infamous reputation and danger, the Adventurer’s Guild imposed stringent conditions for clearing the Immortal Labyrinth, and Alex’s dungeon-clearing party, ‘Red Moon,’ had only recently managed to meet these conditions.

“…Never let your guard down.”

‘Red Moon,’ the most powerful labyrinth-clearing party ever composed entirely of S-Class and A-Class adventurers, had received permission from the Adventurer’s Guild to clear the Immortal Labyrinth. They had reached the lowest level of the labyrinth, a place no one had ever reached before. Although the magical beasts here were powerful, they were nothing more than a mere challenge for the thirty seasoned members of the party.

However, complacency could not be afforded. Complacency was like a shortcut to hell. Moreover, since they were in the ‘lowest level’ that no one had ever reached, they could not afford to relax.

“Beasts ahead!”


As they advanced through the pitch-black darkness illuminated only by torches and holy magic, a thief walking slightly ahead shouted loudly.


“It’s a Little Drago….”

It was a ‘Little Drago,’ a top-tier A-Class magical beast, a miniature version of a dragon. With its fearsome teeth bared and approaching at high speed, Nico aimed her axe at it.

“Captain, should I take care of it?”

“No, I will handle it.”

Alex stopped Nico and drew his sword instead. He then slowly advanced and cleaved the Little Drago in half with a single strike.

— Kiiiii….

The A-Class magical beast turned to gray dust and disappeared. Although it was powerful enough to obliterate a village on its own, it was no match for Alex, who had been an S-Class adventurer for over 20 years.


Alex silently picked up the ‘Beast Core’ left behind by the Little Drago. Beast Cores were the heart-like remnants of magical beasts that could be sold at a high price in the market, making them a primary source of income for adventurers.

…For a Little Drago’s Beast Core, it should definitely be worth about five gold coins.

True to its name, the Immortal Labyrinth allowed Red Moon to collect Beast Cores of unimaginable value. If they returned and exchanged them, it would undoubtedly be the highest profit since the party was formed.

“Wow, a Little Drago’s Beast Core! This should be quite profitable, right?”

“…For something from the lowest level, just a Little Drago? The Immortal Labyrinth isn’t as impressive as expected.”

Seeing Alex handle the Little Drago, his subordinates began to voice their impressions.

“Even the valuable jewels are just lying around, and it’s actually more comfortable compared to other labyrinths.”

“That’s right! The infamous reputation might just be an exaggeration that grew over time, don’t you think?”
“…Don’t be arrogant.”

Alex solemnly warned his subordinates, who were relaxing and chatting. However, he also shared their sentiments. The lower level of the labyrinth was unusually calm. There were no S-Class magical beasts, no exceptional traps, only treasures of immeasurable value scattered here and there.

“There must be even more treasures in the Primordial Vampire’s room, right?”
“Of course, we’re in the deepest part of the ‘Immortal Labyrinth.'”

“Since we’ve come this far, how about releasing and killing the vampire? We’d get rid of all our worries and obtain the tremendous Beast Core of the vampire. It’s a win-win, isn’t it?”
“Sounds good. If it’s been sealed for a thousand years, it should be weakened, so there’s no reason we, the strongest clearing party, can’t defeat it.”

“I told you not to speak arrogantly!”

Despite his warning, Alex scolded his subordinates who were now even underestimating the legendary vampire. Even though it was sealed, a catastrophe that once threatened the world was an eternal catastrophe. It was no simple magical beast that could be casually underestimated or released.

‘This is bad….’

Alex furrowed his brow. The relaxed atmosphere was causing his subordinates to lose their vigilance. A labyrinth teeming with magical beasts was another battlefield. No one could predict the consequences of a moment’s carelessness.

“Nico, keep a close watch to make sure the others don’t do anything strange.”
“Got it, don’t worry.”

Alex entrusted Nico, the second-in-command and an elf with broad vision, to keep an eye on any unexpected actions from the subordinates. Surely, with her keen sight, she could monitor everyone’s actions effectively.


As they proceeded forward, illuminating their path with torches and holy magic, they soon encountered a massive cavernous chamber. The vast space, reminiscent of something from a myth, radiated an overwhelming aura.

In the center of the chamber hung something wrapped in chains like a cocoon, dangling in midair.

“This place….”

Everyone in ‘Red Moon’ immediately sensed it.

“…The legend was true.”

That was indeed the ‘Primordial Vampire’ sealed a thousand years ago by the hero party, and this was the innermost part of the ‘Immortal Labyrinth.’ As if to prove it, the rose scent that had been felt for a while became even more intense, enough to numb their noses.

Reaching the innermost part, Alex issued orders to everyone.

“Search the innermost area thoroughly! Since we don’t know what might come out, don’t let your guard down and absolutely do not touch the vampire’s seal! Remember, our goal is not to defeat the vampire but to recover the ancient relics that have been left here for a thousand years!”


The goal of this expedition was not to break the vampire’s seal and deal with it but merely to recover the ancient relics from the innermost part. Alex warned repeatedly, and only after his subordinates nodded several times did they begin carrying out their assigned tasks.

“I found it! An ancient magical artifact!”
“This is a holy sword…?”

Despite only starting the search five minutes ago, everyone was already exclaiming as they found one rare relic after another.

…However, the purpose of Derin, the S-Class adventurer and Great Mage, was different. She looked scornfully at her comrades who were distracted by the treasures and approached the Primordial Vampire, bound in chains.

“Ah, this resplendent light…!”

Examining the seal of the vampire, known as the worst calamity for humanity, Derin could not hide her admiration.

Despite having been a millennium, the chains that wrapped around the vampire like a cocoon exuded an incomprehensible amount of magical power.

It was an ancient magic created by the saints when this world was born, which could not even be comprehended.

The chains imbued with this magic were densely covered with yellow talismans. They appeared to be the talismans drawn by the ancient sorcerers of the East, who were said to have long since vanished.

Legendary magic that could no longer be found anywhere. What fascinated Derin were not just these ancient relics, but such things.

In particular, the curses cast by these talismans emitted mysterious and unknown magical powers, which even Derin, a renowned Great Mage, had never felt before.


Derin brought her face close to the talisman. It was likely playing an important role in sealing that vampire.

What kind of curse or magic was on these small talismans that could seal a monster called a disaster?

Derin reached out her hand towards it in a daze.


Fortunately, everyone was busy collecting relics and treasures, showing no interest in her. Even the annoying elf Nico was currently turned away.

Although the leader had sternly warned not to touch the vampire’s seal, Derin could not suppress her curiosity.

Just for a very brief moment, no, even just one second would be enough.

If she could copy the enchantment of this talisman in that time, she could surely revive the ancient Eastern sorcery and make a mark in history.

There were hundreds of talismans attached, so it wouldn’t be a big deal if just one fell off. If necessary, she could replace it with her own sealing magic.


With anticipation flushing her face, Derin infused her magical power into the talisman and began interpreting its enchantment.

However, the moment her magic touched the talisman, it caused an intense rejection reaction and exploded, sending Derin flying far away.


The S-Class Great Mage, covered in dust, tumbled on the floor of the Inner Sanctum. All eyes were on her, and soon, the deputy commander Nico rushed to her.

“Derin! What happened? What’s wrong?”

“Ah, ah….”

Nico propped up Derin’s head and asked. But instead of answering, Derin pointed blankly at something.

“What is it? What’s over there….”

Nico’s expression hardened as she looked at the place Derin pointed. Her bright green eyes reflected a small talisman that had been attached to the chains fluttering and falling.

…One of the talismans sealing the Primordial Vampire had fallen after an unknown explosion related to Derin.

In this alarming situation, Nico immediately grabbed Derin by the collar and shouted.

“Derin! What did you do? Why did the talisman fall?!”

“I, I just tried to infuse my magic….”

“You fool! Why would you infuse your magic!”

Nico shouted angrily while gripping Derin’s collar even tighter.

A brief mistake in the labyrinth could have butterfly effects, bringing the blade of death to everyone. Especially in a high-difficulty labyrinth like the Immortal Labyrinth, no one could predict what would happen.

“Why are you doing something you don’t usually do?!”

“I, I was just curious about the magic formula….”

“Magic formula? You did something insane just because of a magic formula?!”

Nico sharply criticized Derin’s uncharacteristic and ignorant behaviour.

No, this wasn’t the time for this.

The talisman sealing the ‘Primordial Vampire,’ which was considered the greatest calamity, had fallen off. Nothing good could come of this.

Whether they liked it or not, they needed to step back and observe the situation for a while.


Nico hurriedly called Alex, the dungeon-clearing party leader, who was moving relics at the forefront.

“Hmm? Nico? What’s going on?”

“This is a big deal! We need to withdraw quickly…!!”

Nico’s words about withdrawing were abruptly cut off.

At the same time, her gaze, Alex’s gaze, and the gaze of everyone from the dungeon-clearing party ‘Red Moon’ all turned to the same place.

Their eyes were fixed on the very center of the inner sanctum, where the Primordial Vampire had been sealed with chains.

Crack, snap.

The silver chains, which had seemed as tough as steel, began to loosen and unravel slowly.

With each movement of the chains, the talismans attached to them fell off like fallen leaves. As this happened, the speed at which the chains were loosening increased.

The dozens of chains fixed to the cave walls gradually started to tear away as they lost their strength.

The seal confining the vampire was coming undone.


“The, the chains…?”

“The seal is breaking…?”

The dungeon-clearing party members watching the scene started to step back slowly.

Was it their long experience and instinctive sense of foreboding, or an unconscious fear of the vampire they had only heard of in legends?

…The members who had stopped their tasks and began to retreat eventually gathered together and formed a battle formation.

“The vampire’s seal is breaking! Everyone, gather towards the entrance of the plaza and form a defensive formation!”

In this unexpected situation, the first to regain composure was the dungeon-clearing leader, Alex. He quickly gathered the remaining members who were scattered and prepared a complete defensive stance at the entrance of the inner sanctum.


…And then, the seal was completely broken.

The chains snapped, losing their form as a cocoon, and what had been hidden inside for a thousand years finally revealed itself to the outside world.


Hair as gray as ash reaching beyond the waist.

Eyes as red as if stained with blood.

A captivating naked girl with skin as pale as snow.

Even without anyone speaking first, everyone knew.

The girl, delicately treading the ground like a snowflake, was indeed the legendary vampire sealed a thousand years ago.

“A chill….”

“So, so cold….”

Even just looking at the girl, an icy chill and terror swept over the skin of the ‘Red Moon’ dungeon-clearing party members.

Though the girl appeared as a youthful figure, an indescribable fear overwhelmed them.

“My legs won’t move…?!”

“Captain, my… hands are shaking….” “….” The girl, who had just been released from the seal, did not take any action and merely examined her own body. However, despite her not posing any threat, the members of the Red Moon dungeon-clearing party could feel their knees trembling.

‘What should we do….’

Captain Alex furrowed his brow. They had never anticipated the seal of the legendary vampire being broken. What choice should they make in this situation?


If they were to escape now, they might manage to get away safely. However, leaving the girl as she was and allowing her to ascend to the surface would undoubtedly result in tremendous chaos and damage above ground.

“Damn it.”

Alex’s face twisted in displeasure at the unexpected situation. The hero who had sealed the girl long ago and the chains bound by ancient magic were now gone. Perhaps now, immediately after the seal was broken, was the most optimal time to subdue her.

If they allowed the disaster to remain and escape, allowing it to regain strength, the consequences would be unimaginable. The Red Moon would surely face immense criticism across the continent.

… They had to deal with the mistake they had made themselves.

“It can’t be helped….”

Deciding on a course of action, Alex drew his sword and commanded his subordinates.

“Everyone, prepare for battle!”

“Ah, Alex? Battle? Are you serious?”


Nico, who heard Alex’s command, was taken aback. But Alex only nodded briefly.

“If we don’t act now, we’ll never be able to catch her.”

Since the seal had been broken after a thousand years, she would surely not be in her right mind. Before she regained her strength as the Primordial Vampire, now was undoubtedly the best chance to subdue her.

“Understood… Prepare for battle everyone!”

“Prepare for battle!”

With Nico, the squad leader, also stepping forward and raising her axe, the remaining 28 members drew their weapons, gaining courage. Only Derin, the Archmage who was the cause of all this, was retreating in fear.

“Magic unit! Prepare fireballs!”


Alex shouted to the mages of the dungeon-clearing party.

… Vampires are, in a way, a type of undead. And undead are weak to fire. If they could strike the girl with fireballs while she was in a dazed state, it would surely inflict significant damage.

“Everyone! Prepare Third-Class Fire Magic!”

Receiving Alex’s signal, the blue-haired mage, Karin, prepared her mages. Each of them was a powerful mage exceeding A-Class, and they unfolded an overwhelming magic circle.

“Everyone! Aim! Fire…. …!!”

However, Karin was unable to give the firing signal to her subordinates. Her confident expression was suddenly crushed as if something was pressing on her head, and she exploded, scattering her brains.

“What, what is this, aaah!!”

“K, Karin! What on earth is this?! Khaaaa!!”

… Moreover, not stopping there, all the mages of the Red Moon, who had been preparing fire magic along with Karin, fell to the ground, bleeding from every orifice.

The sight of the best mages of the time collapsing due to an unknown cause made Alex’s face darken rapidly.

“What is this…?”

The mages who were preparing the spell suddenly exploded. With a phenomenon never before seen or heard, Alex’s mind was in turmoil.

And then, a strange voice was heard.

“You guys are so noisy….”

A voice as clear as dew. A voice both serene and colder than anyone else. A voice without a trace of blood or tears.

“Be quiet….”

… The Primordial Vampire was speaking to them.

“Th-the vampire… is speaking….”

Seeing the legendary monster speak in the same language as them, a shiver ran down Alex’s spine.


Alex looked at his comrades who had died, bleeding profusely. Judging by the vampire’s words, it was clear that she was responsible for this.

“She killed them instantly without even a spell incantation…?”

Beside him, Nico, the squad leader, had collapsed, losing strength in her legs at the shocking scene. As she said, a spell capable of killing so many lives instantly without a single word of incantation was a magical technique beyond even myths.

“Damn it.”

… If this was her power in a weakened state, once she regained her full strength, a true catastrophe would unfold.

“Everyone, draw your swords! Don’t be afraid! We are the strongest dungeon-clearing party, ‘Red Moon’!”

Since she had used such a powerful spell with no incantation in her unstable state, it would take a considerable amount of time for her to recharge her mana and use the next spell.

Alex judged that now was the opportunity and encouraged the remaining members of the dungeon-clearing party, ordering them to attack simultaneously in close combat.

“The enemy will be unable to use magic for a while! Attack all at once and annihilate her! She has reached her limit!”

“How dare you harm our comrades!!”

“Prepare yourself!”

“We will show the might of ‘Red Moon’!”

Warriors renowned across the continent, their anger boiling, charged toward the vampire simultaneously.

“It’s over, Primordial Vampire.”

Seeing the scene, Alex smiled.

The warriors of ‘Red Moon’ were strong enough to easily handle A-Class magical beasts. With decades of coordinated attacks, even the vampire, depleted of her mana, would be overwhelmed by their assault.

“Shut up already!”


However, this was merely Alex’s misjudgement.

As the Primordial Vampire waved her hand in irritation, the necks of the warriors who had surrounded and were attempting to annihilate her were simultaneously severed.

… The heads, now without their owners, thudded as they rolled on the ground.

“Th-this is impossible….”

In the wake of the sudden disaster, Alex’s legs gave way. Out of the 30 dungeon-clearing party members, only Alex, the squad leader Nico, and the trembling Derin remained.

In just two attacks, the lives of 27 A-Class and S-Class adventurers were taken.

“To use such magic, twice in a row…?”

To cast a spell capable of killing people instantly in succession—what could this be? Was it ancient magic? Was it a delusion that her mana had been depleted? Or had she used something other than magic?

“Alex! Pull yourself together!”


In a state of panic and fear unprecedented since becoming an adventurer, Alex was shaken by Nico.

“We have to run now! We need to escape!”

She pointed towards the exit of the Inner Sanctum and shouted.

“I’ll buy some time, so you take Derin and escape…. Ugh…!”


However, Nico could not finish her words before losing her balance and falling. As her body hit the ground, her beautiful blonde head fell away, rolling across the floor.


Seeing his comrade turned into a headless ghost, Alex screamed. In less than five minutes, all his comrades, who were like family, had died.

Rage surged within Alex.

“How dare y-you!!”

It was anger that could make him forget fear. He didn’t care what happened now. Clutching his sword, he charged at the Primordial Vampire.


Swinging his sword with all his might, a blue sword strike surged across the ground like a tsunami towards the vampire. It was a powerful attack imbued with Alex’s soul, meant to crush everything. However, the vampire remained still, showing no intention of moving, and made no special movements. She merely swung one hand.


Suddenly, Alex’s sword strike was deflected as if blocked by a giant wall, redirected by the vampire’s hand gesture.

“Controlling someone else’s magic…?”

Seeing his magic being redirected against his will, all of Alex’s combat resolve was lost. How could they fight such a monster that even interfered with magic activated by others?



When the vampire waved her hand again, Alex felt a sharp sensation in his neck. Gradually, his vision began to lower, and his body lost sensation. His sight started to spin, and eventually, he crashed to the ground.


Alex realized that his head had been severed. He knew he would soon join his comrades.


Soon, his vision faded to darkness.

“Ugh, ugh….”

And only Derin, the Great Mage who was the cause of this disaster, remained to witness it all. Her terrified eyes, cowering in the corner, met the red eyes of the girl with ash-colored hair who had killed everyone.


An indescribable terror.

That thing is not a creature of this world. It is humanity’s catastrophe.

“Ugh, uaaaah!!”

Derin, abandoning everything, began to flee from the Immortal Labyrinth’s Inner Sanctum at full speed. Her heartbeats echoed in her ears like trumpets as she ran madly.

“Ugh, uaaaah!!”

Looking back with a scream, she saw that the vampire was not pursuing her. Yet, the fear did not subside.

“I, I….”

Behind the fear that coiled around her like tentacles, a shadow of guilt also loomed. Unable to resist a moment’s greed for magical research, she had unsealed the vampire that had been sealed for a millennium.

Tears began to well up in Derin’s eyes, as she found herself unintentionally causing this hellish catastrophe.

“What, what have I done…?”

She muttered blankly.


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Chapter 1