I Became a Necromancer Sealed for 1000 Years Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Extermination Squad – (3)



Twenty years after leaving the Empire’s knight order due to an unfortunate incident, Barbas had faced various enemies while working as a mercenary for ‘Stormhound.’

The experiences of targeting both humans and monsters had instilled in Barbas a range of instincts that were now as crucial as his own blood and flesh.

“Is it true that the so-called legendary monster isn’t just a boast….”

…And now, those instincts were sending dangerous warnings to Barbas. Even a single strand of hair from the vampire girl before him made Barbas’s hand, gripping his large axe, flinch.

—I can’t move my body….

—The magic is so foreign….

—I feel nauseous….

Even someone like Barbas, who had lived on battlefields all his life, was breaking out in a cold sweat, and his subordinates were no exception. Over 150 extermination squad members were all pale, overwhelmed by the vampire’s audacity.

…At this rate, we’ll be defeated before we even fight.

Feeling the need to turn the situation around, Barbas took a deep breath and shouted with a thunderous voice towards the extermination squad members.

-“Everyone! Do not panic! Prepare for battle with your weapons!”

Despite two of his comrades already falling to an unseen magic, they couldn’t afford to shrink back in fear. They had to overcome their terror and raise their weapons.

—That’s right! If not us, who will avenge them!

—Don’t be scared! We can win!

Hearing his thunderous shout, which even shook the deepest chamber, the bewildered extermination squad members quickly regained their courage.


Even if he tried to appear relaxed, he was only being overwhelmed by the vampire’s boldness. He couldn’t afford to miss this moment when his subordinates had regained their confidence.

-“…Clerics, activate your holy magic, and mages, amplify your magic power!”

Riding on the momentum, Barbas skillfully issued orders to his subordinates. The clerics, positioned at the very rear, began praying to their goddess, Astira, as they closed their eyes.

—Great Mother of All Things, grant us the strength to vanquish evil!

—Grant us power!

The earnest prayers of the clerics spread a massive blue magic circle at the feet of the Progenitor Vampire.

…In the heart of the labyrinth, filled with the malevolent energy of monsters, it appeared like a beam of light bestowed by the gods.

‘How about it, Progenitor Vampire!’

Barbas looked at the holy magic circle filling the floor of the deepest chamber with a satisfied smile.

Surely, until just before Kaira Rockhart’s death, they had underestimated the Progenitor Vampire. But that didn’t mean they hadn’t prepared or made no countermeasures.

Since their opponent was a vampire with necromancy, Barbas had invested time and money to hire veteran clerics capable of using ‘holy magic’—a countermeasure against them.

…The holy magic activated by the best clerics of Ermaile would surely reduce even the Progenitor Vampire to ashes.


Moreover, whether out of arrogance or some other reason, the Progenitor Vampire showed no sign of attempting to block or avoid the attack. She merely stood still in her place.

…The lack of resistance was a boon. The clerics did not miss the opportunity and unleashed their extensive holy magic.

—Go! Purify everything, Eternal Blessing!

<High-Level Magic: Eternal Blessing>

As the incantation concluded, the magic circle was completed, and soon a pillar of light engulfing everything rose to the ceiling of the deepest chamber, creating a dazzling flash.



Even Barbas, who was standing slightly farther away, could feel the intense sacred magical power. Despite being human and not benefiting from divine magic, he could sense the purifying energy. Clearly, the vampire standing in the middle of the pillar of light must have been experiencing excruciating pain as if its whole body was burning away.

—Good! It hit properly!

—If it takes a hit like that, it couldn’t possibly survive!

The subordinates, seeing the sacred magic strike the vampire, cheered. There had never been a monster that survived a direct hit from such powerful divine magic. No record showed otherwise. Every one of the 188 extermination squad members was confident of their overwhelming victory.

“It’s blinding….”


…But a voice from the other side, calm and unbothered, shattered everyone’s illusion.

“Do all sacred magic spells start with light? My eyes are killing me….”


Through the fading pillar of light, the figure of the progenitor vampire, squinting and rubbing her eyes, could be seen.

The sight of the vampire, who appeared completely unscathed despite the divine magic being reinforced by the mages’ power, left the entire extermination squad frozen.

—What’s going on…?

—This is impossible….

—Not a single scratch? After that kind of attack?!

There wasn’t even a speck of dust on the vampire’s clothes. Seeing her look much more unscathed than expected, the mood among the extermination squad quickly darkened.

-“This can’t be. She survived a top-tier divine magic attack and is still fine? A monster?”

…the fact that the progenitor vampire survived the direct hit of a divine magic spell, which had been enhanced by the mages’ power, was enough to make even the composed Barbas show signs of surprise.

-“Is something wrong…?”

Was there a flaw in the spell’s formation during the magic casting?

Could it be that the power was reduced somehow?

Otherwise, it made no sense for the vampire to be standing on her own two feet. It had to be this way.

…the notion that the vampire had withstood the most fatal spell against monsters without a scratch was something Barbas did not want to believe.

-“…Priests! Cast the divine magic again!”

—Y-yes, understood!

There was no need for long deliberations. If one cast wasn’t enough, then they would attack repeatedly until it was. With Barbas’ signal, the priests began preparing the sacred magic once more.

—”Astira” God, grant us strength….

As their incantation began, a blue magic circle once again spread across the floor of the labyrinth. The vampire, meanwhile, made no significant movements and simply stayed in her place.

If the target doesn’t move, it reduces the effort needed to aim, allowing those preparing the spell to focus purely on increasing the magic’s power.

—Burn to ashes and disappear! Lightning Cyclone!

This time, a vortex of light emerged from the magic circle, engulfing the vampire and her summoned skeletons. The strange noise and dazzling flashes of the vortex began consuming the deepest part of the labyrinth.

—She won’t be able to withstand this!

Perhaps feeling humiliated by the vampire enduring the previous divine magic unscathed, the priests put more effort into their spellcasting this time.

…As a result, the vortex boasted even greater divine power and might than the previous attack.

A force strong enough to sweep away even a human, causing them to be unable to endure the excessive divine energy. With divine magic of a caliber that might be recorded in history, Barbas was certain this time the vampire would be obliterated.

“…Is this the limit of its power?”


Yet again, from within the blinding light, the vampire’s voice could be heard.

In the center of the waning vortex, where the light’s intensity was diminishing, the gray-haired girl appeared with a bored expression.

-“How, how…?!”

Just like with the first attack, the girl had no visible injuries. Even her summoned skeletons appeared to have sustained no damage.

The realization that their magic had again failed to make any impact caused a stir among the squad members.

—T-this can’t be….

—Damn it! We used almost all our divine power! How did she endure it!!

—It’s a situation that only makes sense if she’s on par with the goddess….

…As much as the squad members were shocked, Barbas’ mind was racing just as quickly.

-“How is this possible? Even if she’s a legendary monster, is it really possible to endure two top-tier divine magic attacks?!”

The top-tier divine magic that required multiple priests to cast was supposed to be more than enough to erase any monster, regardless of its origin.

But the recent two attacks were combined with buffs from top-tier mages. There might not have been a more powerful divine magic in history, yet the vampire effortlessly withstood it.

It felt like seeing someone fly in the sky, as Barbas’ long-held beliefs were being overturned.

-“Mages and priests, prepare for a flank attack! Engage in direct combat!”


Even so, abandoning the hunt was not an option. If one method fails, they must try another. Although the plan was to end it with divine magic in one strike, now there was no choice but to engage in close combat.

…Barbas himself also prepared for battle, wielding his axe toward the vampire.

-“Today, we will be recorded in history! All troops, charge!”


Leading the charge, the majority of the extermination squad’s warrior class adventurers and mercenaries leaped forward.

Longswords, greatswords, axes, hammers.

Each armed with their fearsome weapons, they rushed with fierce speed to bring an end to the legendary monster.


And the vampire regarded them with interest. She then extended her hand forward, and a large, ominous red magic circle appeared in front of her.

-“Another chantless spell….”

Seeing the vampire perform magic without any incantation again, a headache began to form for Barbas.

To cast magic, the corresponding incantation is essential, yet performing it without this process was unheard of.

Could it be that battles like this were common a thousand years ago when the vampire existed?

…It was beyond Barbas’ understanding.

“…You should be sufficient against these fools!”


With the magic circle in place, the vampire gave a mischievous smile and snapped her fingers. The center of the circle opened wide like the gate of a castle, and countless skeletons began to crawl out.

—Clank, clank.

With the sound of bones grinding and cracking, the skeleton soldiers staggered out into the present world. They were the lowest of the low, unarmored and armed only with cheap swords.

‘Only the lowest-tier skeletons….’

Barbas sneered at the sight. No matter how the Progenitor Vampire had defied common sense with her abilities and power, these weakest, lowest-class monsters, not even Skeleton Knights, were ones he was confident he could defeat with ease.

—What are these insignificant skeletons!

—Crush them all!


The other extermination squad members running alongside him seemed to have the same thought. Barbas gripped his axe tightly, ready to charge through the skeleton soldiers.

…Crush these weak monsters and head straight for the vampire.


—Clank, clank.

Barbas swung his axe at the skeleton soldier blocking his path. The skeleton soldier raised its crude weapon in response.

‘Something like this…!’

He sliced through the skeleton soldier’s rusty sword with his axe, shattering its ribs and splitting its body in two. With the short plan he had envisioned, Barbas swung his axe from left to right with all his might.



…But it was Barbas’s axe that was shattered, not the skeleton soldier.


As the skeleton soldier’s sword struck, a crack appeared on his axe blade, and it shattered. Barbas stared blankly at the fragments of his broken axe flying through the air.

—Clank… clank!


Then, the skeleton soldier, moving with a speed that seemed impossible for a lowly monster, burrowed into Barbas’s side and drove its sword into his abdomen.


Terrible pain surged through him, and sticky blood gushed from his mouth. Countless thoughts filled Barbas’s mind.

‘This can’t be.’

How many times has he repeated that phrase today?

A common skeleton soldier shattering his weapon.

A lowest-class monster moving at a speed that even a veteran mercenary like him couldn’t react to, dealing a fatal blow.

That he, of all people, was being defeated by such a trivial creature.

-“This monster…”

In the midst of this unbelievable humiliation, Barbas glared furiously at the skeleton soldier.


But the skeleton soldier only emitted the sound of bones grinding, its pitch-black eye sockets showing no emotion whatsoever.




The skeleton soldier, having removed its sword from Barbas’s abdomen, swung its weapon again, this time slashing his neck.

-“Damn, crazy…”

The skeleton soldier displayed a speed that rivaled S-rank monsters, and Barbas couldn’t help but laugh bitterly.

-“Kuh, kuh…”

With blood gushing from his neck and his legs giving way, the skeleton soldier left him and moved on to find another enemy.


He could feel the flame of life flickering out. As the bleeding worsened, chills crept over him. Knowing it was futile, Barbas tried to cauterize the wound with his last strength.


Summoning his final energy, he looked around. The surroundings were a sight that would rival even the depths of hell.

—What, just skeletons!! Aaargh!!

—It’s useless! Even if you break them with magic, they come back to life! Aaargh!!

—Run away!!

—Damn it! The escape route is blocked!


Humans being slaughtered by undead.

If this isn’t the underworld, then where could it be?

-“The Progenitor Vampire…”

…And in the increasingly hazy view, he saw a gray-haired girl approaching him. She radiated a cold yet beautiful allure, like the dawn’s dew.

It was the Progenitor Vampire.

“Are you the leader?”


The girl, a legend of monstrous power, stood before him, asking. Barbas wanted to respond, but lifting his head to look at her was all he could manage.


It was only now, as his life waned, that he could feel the vast amount of magical power emanating from her.

…Even being tormented by the lowest-tier undead she summoned, what were they truly fighting against?

He finally understood why the elite labyrinth extermination squad, the ‘Red Moon,’ had been unable to exert any power and was annihilated.

The legends weren’t exaggerated; rather, they were an understatement. Her power surpassed what was recorded.


How had his ancestors sealed this monster? Were they stronger than this creature, or did they come up with a wise plan?

But at this point, such speculations were meaningless.



No being on the surface could stop this girl. Barbas, who had met many powerful individuals throughout his decades as a mercenary, knew that much.

…Even the so-called heroes of this generation would be no match for this vampire.

A disaster was about to descend upon the surface.

Karseron, that fool, would soon see his domain collapse.

It was both sad and laughable.


As the brief moment of reflection ended, his eyes were truly closing.

Barbas fumbled, trying to grasp a nearby fallen weapon. There was a legend that if a warrior died without holding their weapon, their soul would wander the afterlife.

But there were no weapons around. His vision was dimming, and he couldn’t move, so he couldn’t retrieve any weapon from a distance.

Dying without holding a weapon.

A fate more frightening than the encroaching death, and tears rolled down Barbas’s eyes as his searching hand moved faster.


And then, the gray-haired vampire picked up a weapon from somewhere and placed it in his hand. He felt the familiar touch of metal.

The weapon he had been searching for.


Barbas barely managed to lift his head to look at the vampire who had given him the weapon. Even in his dying moments, this vampire shattered his common sense.

A legendary monster that effortlessly took lives, yet showed an inexplicable mercy in the end.

Could she have had even a sliver of warmth in her heart?

Did she have any compassion for humans?

…Had it been this way even a thousand years ago?

He wondered why she had attacked humans in the first place.

Despite being a monster, vampires are among the few races with intelligence.

What had driven her to become an enemy of humans?


Barbas laughed as these thoughts crossed his mind. He was evidently moved by the vampire’s act of giving him the weapon despite having slaughtered countless people.


Barbas looked at the vampire, trying to speak.

Yes, though it may be a monster, he wanted to know at least her name before he passed.

A warrior should know the name of the one who defeated them to have no regrets.

Perhaps he might even meet someone in the afterlife who knew of her and talk about it.


The vampire tilted her head. Though her voice was inaudible due to the wind escaping from her neck, she seemed to understand the gist of it from his mouth movements.


As Barbas stared at the vampire’s red eyes, her cold yet gentle voice echoed in the dimming light.


…And then, Barbas’s vision completely faded to darkness.


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Chapter 15