I Became an Archangel in a Fantasy Chapter 12

Chapter 12


“Phew… Is this enough?”

Before me, people were chanting my name and showing their obedience. Although I was a bit taken aback by their enthusiastic reaction, I sighed with relief inwardly, thinking that the situation was more or less under control now.

For now, it was good that I had hurriedly descended to stop this madness. However, since this was the first time I had appeared in such a manner, I felt the need to address the people of the Kanan Kingdom, including the commoners, nobles, and the King, and convey something to them.

There was no specific speech prepared. However, seeing the *four-dimensional princess, who seemed capable of splitting things in half, asking various questions about the offering, I felt the need to clearly state something. That is, the world does not need material offerings.

T/n: *사차원 공주님” (Sachaweon Gongjunim) translates to “Four-Dimensional Princess” and is a description of a character with an unconventional or unusual personality, often with an unpredictable or otherworldly behavior*

This was partly because I had no material needs, but also because it reflected my personal philosophy on religion. The true purpose of religion is to guide people along the right path. Those who have should help those who don’t, those who suffer should find solace and rest, and people should be guided to cast away evil from their hearts and seek goodness.

To achieve this, religion teaches about heaven and hell, speaks of forgiveness and mercy, and praises the existence of a deity who constantly watches over them. This, in my conclusion from studying character and religion in my previous life, is what religion should strive for.

Religions that seek other goals, that become tools for leaders to satisfy their wealth and desires, or that incite violence and bloodshed, are not true religions but mere degenerate frauds that peddle deities for profit.

Of course, leaders of religions, such as priests, bishops, and monks, are also human and need money to live. Therefore, systems like tithes or alms exist, but these are merely practical compromises and allowances. In that sense, I personally believe that a true religious person should ultimately support themselves while helping others. This is not merely an idealistic view.

For instance, the Chinese monk Baizhang established the Baizhang Qinggui, a set of rules that required all monks, including the abbot, to farm and become self-sufficient. This is not entirely an unrealistic ideal.

Anyway, since the opportunity had arisen, I decided to deliver a sermon incorporating these religious philosophies to the people before me. I told them that if they wished to offer something to me, it should be through acts of kindness rather than money. I explained that it is far more valuable to do good deeds than to spend time making offerings at temples.

I concluded with a favourite Bible verse: “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

Feeling a bit proud of their even more enthusiastic praise than I had anticipated, I returned to the sky with Arc Royle. Of course, apart from the immediate cheers, I couldn’t be certain how well the humans would accept this…

“For Seraphim!”

“Hurry and build a temple for him!”

“Is there no god other than Seraphim in all the world?”



Solomon, who intended to place Seraphim under the ‘control’ of this country by offering herself as a sacrifice, saw her plan come to a complete and utter failure in this moment.

The deity Seraphim desired a sacrifice. Not a material offering, but a requirement for the good lives of individuals as a sacrifice. This command, which demanded a continuous obedience to the god in accordance with the so-called laws, was a heavy shock for Solomon.

‘No way…’

A god that demands continuous submission not as a temporary sacrifice but as adherence to Rules known as the ‘Law.’ Although it currently only asks for good deeds, Solomon knew that the concept of ‘Law,’ which would naturally permeate the hearts of the people, nobles, and perhaps even the royal family, could become absolute power depending on how it was used in the future.

‘Now that I think about it, it was from the very beginning… Showing itself as a saviour to earn the people’s trust…’

Although now it shone with divine light under the blue sky, giving some sense of its divine nature, it was highly likely that anyone encountering such a figure at night would see it as a demon or monster.

In that regard, Seraphim’s appearance at this moment, saving Solomon amidst the focus of everyone, despite its terrifying appearance, gave the people ‘faith’ in it. Moreover, the rejection of the material sacrifices previously considered common sense and the complete abolition of such offerings would have seemed like an incredible declaration to the people, akin to declaring ‘there are no more taxes from now on’—a declaration so astonishing that it might have been hard to believe whether it was a dream or reality.

And then, to top it all off, the assertion based on ‘justice’ that obedience should be shown through good deeds. Through this series of actions, Seraphim not only captured the hearts of the people in an instant but also gained the legitimate grounds to issue a command in the name of the law.

With just a few words, it had laid its claim over the many present here and, by extension, over the entire country.

‘If… if all of this was truly calculated…’

In the face of a trusted, immense authority, people naturally become incredibly weak. This is what allows nations to be governed, and if it fails, it means the nation’s downfall. In this sense, the actions of Seraphim, who captured the hearts of the people under the name of the ‘merciful god,’ essentially meant the formation of a massive force holding absolute power under the name of the Law.

Although it started with only a few thousand people here, it could potentially engulf the entire country… or perhaps even the entire continent in the future.

The intentions of a god seeking to abandon small things to gain everything. Solomon felt a chill all over her body.

‘A terrifying being… more frightening than anyone I’ve met so far…’

Originally, transcendent beings like gods did not possess a broad perspective despite their immense power. This was somewhat natural since the mere display of their formidable strength or their miracles was often enough to get mortals to comply with their will.

Yet this god, Seraphim, moved swiftly. Even with its fearsome appearance alone, it could have easily made people submit, but it won over their hearts with mercy and righteousness. It sought obedience not out of power or personal gain, but out of sincere obedience to an absolute value called ‘good.’

A being with immense power also possessed the wisdom to understand and control human hearts. Even that level of wisdom made Solomon tremble with fear.

How extraordinary is this being? How terrifying is it?

Although Solomon was not yet entirely certain about its military strength, given the external appearance alone, She couldn’t imagine it being defeated by anyone. Even though there was testimony from Eva, he had not seen it fight in person.

However, if it indeed possesses transcendent power…


If Solomon truly embodies the concept of perfect and flawless existence itself, then she realized there was something she, as the princess of this kingdom, must inevitably do.

“If that is the case… I must capture this being by any means necessary. Even if it requires taking its essence, if needed…”


“What? Those filthy pagans, did they actually…?”

“Yes, Your Holiness. Furthermore, I must inform you that the woman you mentioned, Eva Gellion, was indeed a messenger of the pagan deity.”

An emotionless voice came from the darkness. Yet, upon hearing this, Pope Ahab’s face began to show clear signs of fury.

The new deity that had descended upon the Kanan Kingdom. Seraphim. Its arrival had triggered explosive reactions among the people of Kanan.

The temples and statues of Baal that were scattered throughout the kingdom had been destroyed, and in their place, statues symbolizing Seraphim had been erected. These statues, grotesque and bizarre in appearance, had provoked strong reactions.

“How audacious! To forsake the mercy of Baal and ally with a malevolent deity! I will not let these scoundrels go unpunished!”

The Pope was itching to send troops immediately to attack the Kanan Kingdom. He wanted to clearly demonstrate who the true deity was to these impudent heretics who had crossed the final line.

However, the current situation with the Baal Church made this impossible. He could not ignore the increasingly suspicious movements of the demonic forces. Furthermore, if they used their power directly, it could create unnecessary disturbances in the grand scheme of things.

At least until that day arrived, they had to continue working from the shadows.

But that didn’t mean the Pope was completely powerless. Even without directly intervening, the seasoned head of the grand church had already devised a plan to eradicate the seed of this audacious heresy.

“What is the reaction of the neighbouring countries?”

“As you said, they all view them with concern. Especially their worship of this Seraphim entity, which is only growing in fear and disgust.”


A terrifying statue with countless eyes on its enormous wings. The sight of people bowing before this monstrous form, so far removed from beauty, naturally caused neighbouring nations that worshiped Baal to frown. It seemed as though these people had lost their minds and were now worshiping demons.

The Pope was well aware of how to exploit this unease.

“I will send a letter shortly. Contact the lord of the Moabmon Alliance, a neighbouring nation of the Kanan Kingdom.”

“Amen, I will comply.”

Immediately after issuing the command, the Pope’s gaze turned to the statue directly in front of him. The divine form of Baal, displaying great valour and a form reminiscent of a heroic human warrior, inspired a sense of respect in him.

“Gods should always appear like this. How could these fools not understand such a simple truth?”

Appearance is a powerful force. Although people claim to look beyond appearance and see the heart, in reality, humans cannot help but drool over beautiful things—it’s an undeniable instinct.

While the actual appearance of Baal was somewhat different from this depiction, the church had long instructed to depict Baal in this form as a heroic human warrior. It made it easier for humans to accept, as the rejection towards beings that resembled them was lessened.

In that regard, the Seraphim, which was depicted in such a hideous and grotesque manner, clearly showed it did not understand humans or the ways of the world.

“Well, that’s to be expected from the trash that the heretics worship. It’s clear that some obscure deity is vainly pretending to be a god.”

Smiling at the fact that their foolish choices led to their own destruction, the Pope began drafting the letter he had been contemplating.

If it had to be summarized in a single sentence, it would be:

That deity is a harmful being.

The letter’s contents ordered the complete annihilation of the heretics in the Kanan Kingdom who worshipped the wicked demon, leaving not a single one alive.

“One must cut off the roots of heresy in advance. Now, I shall show you the wrath of Baal!”

With this thought and a chilling smile, the Pope sealed the letter with his seal.

Furthermore, to account for any contingencies, he included a small box along with it. An object imbued with the power of the great deity.

Though it had minor side effects, this object would be able to tear apart the false demon god in an instant.

Thus, the completed letter was soon transformed into a military force.

“Let us sweep away the pagans!”

“For the glory of Baal!”

“His Holiness the Pope has commanded a crusade!”

“War once more! War once more!”


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Chapter 12