I Became an Archangel in a Fantasy Chapter 13

Chapter 13


The Moabmon Alliance, comprised of six city-states, has historically been in constant opposition with the neighbouring Kanan Kingdom. When combined, the strength of the Moabmon Alliance nearly doubles that of the Kanan Kingdom. However, due to the nature of the alliance, where despite being part of the same political structure, there are always internal conflicts among the city-states. Although war between them is strictly prohibited, they are in constant commercial and political rivalry, making it difficult for them to unify their strength completely.

The Kanan Kingdom, on the other hand, finds itself in a delicate situation, having to tread carefully given that the combined power of the Alliance exceeds their own. This has led to a stalemate between the two nations, exacerbated by the historical and religious tensions, especially following the Kanan Kingdom’s recent severance with the Baal Church.

The turning point in this deadlock came with a specific event: the Kanan Kingdom began worshipping an oddly shaped deity that seemed to many to be a demon or dark god. This new development, coupled with their excommunication from the Baal Church, painted them as heretics in the eyes of the Moabmon Alliance.

A letter from the Pope arrived, commanding the eradication of these heretics and their dark deity. This decree was a significant opportunity for the leader of the largest city-state in Moabmon, Roth Chorr. Roth, who had been waiting for a chance to act against the Kanan Kingdom, saw the Pope’s declaration as a golden opportunity.

Despite the ongoing internal conflicts among the Moabmon city-states, they shared a commonality in their devotion to the Baal Church. The Pope’s call for a crusade was a unifying force, momentarily setting aside their differences and allowing them to focus on their shared goal: the destruction of the Kanan Kingdom.

Roth Chorr, commanding the largest force of 20,000 soldiers, harbored grand ambitions. He envisioned not only crushing the Kanan Kingdom but also exploiting the post-war distribution to incorporate the region into his own city-state. This would dramatically increase his power and potentially allow him to seize control of the entire alliance and even establish a new nation under his rule.

Amidst this, Roth was particularly dismissive of the dissenting opinions of Root, a leader known for opposing war. Roth viewed Root’s objections as insignificant in the face of the Pope’s authoritative call for a crusade. He focused on the imminent military campaign, preparing to lead his forces to potentially decisive victories against the Kanan Kingdom.

Roth, the lord of a small city-state, had aspirations of breaking free from his position and establishing a vast empire. For him, this “crusade” was a crucial first step and a springboard toward achieving his ambition.

“I’ll say it once more! His Holiness the Pope has declared a crusade! To heretics, there is only death! There will be no mercy for them, and unrestricted plunder is allowed!”


“Long live His Holiness the Pope!”

“Long live Lord Roth!”

“Let’s sweep away all those filthy heretics!”

“Good heretics are dead heretics!”

Given the nature of city-states, there was a lack of patriotism and sense of mission compared to other countries. Thus, the morale of the soldiers was generally low before an invasion, especially in defense operations. The declaration of unrestricted plunder played a crucial role in boosting the soldiers’ morale.

After all, it was a crusade sanctioned by the gods. Thus, destroying heretics and seizing their riches was only natural.

With the soldiers’ morale significantly elevated, Roth cast a longing glance toward the west where they were heading. He envisioned the Kanan Kingdom, which would become visible in just a few days, and smiled with a deep satisfaction.

As the enemy troops advanced toward the Kanan Kingdom, appearing like a swarm of ants from an altitude of 50 kilometres, Arc Royle spoke with a resolute voice.

[Seraphim, let me go! With their strength, there is no need for you to act. I can reduce them to dust on my own!]

Arc Royle spoke confidently. Although the enemy’s numbers weren’t negligible, the strength they could muster was predictable. To Arc Royle, who had swept away numerous foes for the Baal Church, this was nothing more than a meal.

However, Seraphim, despite not having a head, indicated disapproval with a movement of her eyes.

[That cannot be done.]

[Huh? W-why not?]

[No matter what we do, we are angels. Even though they are attacking our followers, this is only due to their ignorance. More importantly, unlike the previous situation with Sodam, there are many among them with good hearts. It would be inappropriate for us as angels to indiscriminately annihilate them.]

[Hmm… I see your point…]

Arc Royle, who had previously followed the church’s commands without question, was beginning to understand that this matter was more complex than he had thought.

[Then what should we do? If we leave them as they are, the Kanan Kingdom could be in serious danger…]

[Stay still. I am thinking about it.]

[Ah… yes! I’ll stay still!]

Following the command, Arc Royle floated in the air, closing his mouth tightly. After a few seconds of observing the somewhat endearing sight, Seraphim resumed her contemplation.

Arc Royle had no idea what profound thoughts were occupying Seraphim’s mind at this moment, but he was certain that Seraphim was planning something significant using the humans.

‘Just as Lord Seraphim subdued the Kanan Kingdom with just a few words, he must be devising something remarkable with these humans as well!’

With such vague faith, Arc Royle awaited her orders. A short while later, Seraphim spoke quietly, but the words were not directed at Arc Royle.



“What? The Moabmon are waging war?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. According to the report, a great army of 60,000 has already departed from Chorr.”


The urgent report deepened the frown lines on King David’s forehead. He and his ministers had long anticipated this day. After all, the Moabmon Alliance had been eager to consume the Kanan Kingdom.

The fact that the Pope had declared a crusade and incited the war only accelerated the process. Despite being typically slow to act in external affairs, the alliance’s decision and mobilization of troops were much faster than expected. Consequently, the Kanan Kingdom would start at a disadvantage.

“The battlefield will, as always, be the fortress of Nyaemia. What is the total strength on our side?”

“About 40,000 or so. Considering that we are defending with favourable positioning, it’s not an overwhelmingly disadvantageous situation,” said the advisor.

“The problem is time. Even if we immediately call up reinforcements, given their marching speed, we might be delayed by about two days. Until then, we have to hold out at the Fort Nyaemia,” the king added with concern.

The Fort Nyaemia was the gateway to the capital and the strongest fortress of the Kanan Kingdom. However, currently, the garrison there was less than 5,000 strong. Even utilizing the advantages of the solid walls for defense, they would likely face severe difficulties.

As the situation grew increasingly urgent and the atmosphere became tense, a new voice spoke up.

“Your Majesty, allow me to go. I will lead the knights to Fort Nyaemia and defend it.”

“Is it you, Eva Gellion?”

“But even if you take the knights and your troops, there will be fewer than 500, won’t there? It’s hard to expect much impact with such a small force…”

Certainly, considering Eva’s reputation, there might be some motivational benefit, but it would not be enough to overcome the overwhelming numerical disadvantage. Moreover, their adversaries were ordinary humans, not undead that could be countered by exploiting elemental weaknesses. It would be more prudent to wait until more troops could be gathered before taking action.

But then…

“It is possible. Because that being has commanded me to do so.”


“That being… you mean…”


The faces of the king and nobles showed a mix of surprise and hope.

To them, Eva replied with a firm voice, “Yes. Last night, Seraphim gave me a divine message. ‘Do not be afraid and move forward. I will grant you victory over the enemies,’ He said.”


The promise of assistance from the ‘God’ they had hoped for brought a deep sense of relief to their faces.

“Understood. Eva Gellion, you are to head to Fort Nyaemia immediately. Show these foolish people the might of Seraphim.”

“I will carry out your command, Your Majesty.”


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Chapter 13