Reincarnated as a useless prince, starting by voluntarily requesting to be exiled to the frontier. Chapter 6

The captain of the personal guards was stunned, looking at Ye Chen in surprise.

Ye Chen smiled as he approached the officer slowly.

The officer, being just an ordinary soldier, felt some trepidation in the presence of a prince.

“What… what do you want? This is a military camp, and you can’t act recklessly here!”

The officer nervously took two steps back, his hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of his sword.

“Do what!”



Zhao Yun and the captain of the personal guards reacted swiftly, drawing their swords to confront the officer, and the tension became palpable.

Ye Chen, however, calmly patted the dust off the officer’s shoulder guard.

“Please inform the general that I, Ye Chen, am very satisfied with his arrangements, and as there is no achievement to be made at present, I will not see him.”

With that, the officer hurriedly fled, not even noticing how his heart was racing to the extreme.

Despite his experience, encountering this prince felt like facing a god of death!

Ye Chen turned around, and the personal guards all looked angry and resentful.

“Your Highness, the garrison commander clearly intends for us to go to our deaths. We cannot just let ourselves be slaughtered.”

Ye Chen’s expression turned serious as he locked eyes with the captain of the personal guards. “Old Huang, are you afraid of death?”

Captain Old Huang immediately became serious, straightening his chest and declaring, “Your Highness, I, Old Huang, have never taken death seriously since following Lord Guo!”

Ye Chen nodded in satisfaction, then looked at the personal guards. The howling sand and the proud demeanor created an extraordinary atmosphere in the otherwise deathly silent death camp.

Ye Chen climbed onto the martial arts platform and waved his hand. “This place is our territory!”

“Even if it is a death camp, so what? We are not here for promotions or titles, but to fight in battle. It suits me perfectly!”

“If anyone wants to withdraw now, it is still possible. If anyone shows cowardice on the battlefield, my blade will be the first to object!”

“Sworn to follow His Highness to the death!”

With Ye Chen’s impassioned speech, the personal guards were stirred up, all eager to take up arms and fight immediately.

The immense momentum also attracted some unwanted spectators.

“What a big mouth. Have you ever seen the ferocity of the Tartar dog bandits? Don’t end up so scared you wet your pants.”

On the other side, the prisoners in the death camp were also drawn over by Ye Chen, led by a large and imposing man, obviously the leader of the prisoners.

“Presumptuous! How dare you speak to His Highness like that!”

Old Huang and the prisoners were at a standoff. The leader of the prisoners, however, ignored Old Huang and said disdainfully:

“Dogs like you, raised in comfort, can only be arrogant on your own turf. When you meet the Tartar cavalry, you’ll be the same pile of piss.”

Both sides were on edge, with some prisoners secretly retrieving weapons while the personal guards slowly drew their swords, ready to fight.

“Everyone, stop!”

Ye Chen, having undergone attribute enhancement, now possessed a physique comparable to any historical general.

His roar caused even the earth to tremble slightly, and the scene fell into silence.

The prisoner leader looked at Lu Qian in bewilderment.

Is this really a sound a person can make?

Standing high on the martial arts platform, Ye Chen’s imposing aura silenced the death camp.

Ye Chen began to walk slowly, each step of his battle boots resounding with a rhythmic thud that weighed on their hearts.

“You all don’t know me yet.”

“I am Ye Chen, the Seventh Son of the current Emperor.”

At this point, Ye Chen paused. He noticed some surprised expressions from the death camp, but most remained expressionless.

It seemed that using identity alone was not enough to exert pressure; he would need to conquer them with strength.

Ye Chen’s mouth curved into a faint smile as he continued:

“All the brothers in the death camp have survived countless battles. I’m sure you are all tired of fighting to the death.”


Ye Chen stomped his feet, and his entire body stood firm like a mountain on the martial arts platform.

“Come at me. As long as anyone can make me move a step, I will immediately grant you freedom and erase everything from the past!”



“This guy is crazy.”

Ye Chen’s words immediately stirred up the death camp.

They had been hoping for an imperial amnesty, but it never came. Now this prince was offering them a chance for freedom—how could they not seize it?

“Brothers, I’ll go first!”

A fat man among the prisoners rushed onto the martial arts platform.

Just as everyone expected Ye Chen to be embarrassed, an unbelievable scene occurred!

As soon as the fat man’s hand touched Ye Chen, Ye Chen lightly shook, sending the fat man flying off the platform with immense force!

The whole place erupted in astonishment!

Ye Chen’s physique seemed average, but his strength, comparable to Zhao Yun’s, was beyond the prisoners’ ability to resist.

“Let me make one thing clear.”

Ye Chen spoke again.

“This opportunity is only once. After today, you must follow my orders. Anyone who disobeys will be executed without mercy!”

“Brothers, what are you waiting for? Charge!”

“Charge! After we succeed, we’ll go to the brothels in the city!”

As soon as Ye Chen finished speaking, the prisoner leader and all the prisoners rushed up together, using all their strength to push towards Ye Chen.

But Ye Chen remained unmoved, lightly shaking his body, causing hundreds of prisoners to be thrown back in a swarm.

The prisoners lay on the ground for a long time without getting up, not because Ye Chen’s rebound force was too great, but because they were too embarrassed to rise.

Before getting on the stage, they boasted about seeing the brothels in the city, but now they were harshly thrown back by Ye Chen.

After a while, the prisoner leader climbed up, his gaze much clearer now.

“Your Highness, I submit! I, Zhang Zhi, swear to follow Your Highness to the death!”

“Sworn to follow His Highness to the death!”

With Zhang Zhi leading, all the prisoners no longer hesitated and respectfully bowed to Ye Chen.

While Ye Chen dealt with the prisoners, An Lushui in the camp was anxiously studying the map.

“The Tartars have been silent for three days. The scouts’ reports also show no movement from the Tartars.”

The deputy general beside An Lushui interpreted the situation, and An Lushui anxiously pointed to the dense forest on one side.

“Do the scouts in the mountains have any news?”

The deputy general was startled by the question and suddenly looked up, his eyes filled with fear.

“General, the mountain scouts reported every three days, and the last report was exactly three days ago!”


The scouts had not arrived, which might mean they had been eliminated.

From the map, three days was just enough time for the Tartars to be at the city gates!

“Report! Bad news! The Tartars have launched a surprise attack from the mountains and are now less than a hundred miles away!”

A wounded scout stumbled in, reporting this before collapsing unconscious.

“General, what should we do now?”

With the Tartars less than a hundred miles away, it meant they could attack as soon as tonight. Plans for counterattacks were urgent!

Upon hearing the news, An Lushui remained calm, his fingers constantly rubbing the hilt of his sword as he paced back and forth in the tent.

“We have always sent the death camp ahead before. We’ll do the same as before.”

The deputy general hesitated for a moment and then reminded, “But General, the Seventh Prince is still in the death camp.”

An Lushui glanced at the deputy general coldly and said, “Military orders are like a mountain. Even a prince is no exception. If he shirks, I’ll immediately execute him to serve as a banner!”

“Immediately notify the death camp to prepare for battle!”

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Chapter 6